Shame them into submission


New member
I wrote a letter to Bush and Cheney yesterday. I am sicked by this administration's lack of resolve to take any meaningful steps to combat terrorism here at home. Hiring monkeys and McDonalds rejects as federal employees to harass people away from flying is a cosmetic change at best and a criminal misuse of federal authority at worst.

Another "solution"; providing our pilots with tasers is simply smoke and mirrors to make the sheeple think that "something" has been done.

The only cost effective, sensible way to insure that commercial jets are never again commandeered and flown into buildings is to give the cockpit crews lethal means to stop anyone from entering the cockpit. To this end, I wrote the following letter:

It seems incongruous to me that Secretaries Mineta & Ridge are so dead set against firearms in the cockpit yet seem to have no qualms about scrambling an F-16 to shoot the aircraft down.

Is there a good explanation for this?

Sergeant Bob

New member
Excellent point Libertarian. Add in all the rhetoric like...what if the pilots have guns and one of them goes crazy and starts killing people? Well, it seems to me, if he goes nuts and wants to kill people he already has in his hands the means to do just that.
What if a bullet goes through the side of the plane, won't all the people be sucked out the little tiny hole? No, it just makes a bullet sized hole and the only thing likely to go out that hole has already been there. If it really bothers people they can epuip all planes with a Bullet Hole Repair Kit ( aluminum tape, corks, or wet rags)