Shall-Issue Update: KS, NE, IA, MN, what news?


New member
Hi all,

Occasionally, every few months, I ask about this exact issue. These four states in particular have an interest with me, since two of them prohibit CCW, and the other two are discretionary, and they are in the middle of the country.

Kansas: I read Kansas' proposed law on CCW. Very onerous, lots of dealmaking, and it's where the CCW license is your Driver license as well? No recognition of carry permits from other states? No reciprocity?

All I know is, Tim Shallenburger will probably become Governor. He'll sign a CCW bill. Question is, will the Kansas groups who've been supporting CCW go back to the drawing board and rewrite the bill to be less onerous now?

Nebraska: Mike Johanns is likely a shoo-in re-election for governor. Who's holding up CCW in the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature? Where's the recognition or reciprocity language in the proposed bill?

Iowa: Hotly contested governor's race. CCW reform proposed years ago, but died in committee, and never reintroduced. What's the gameplan after the 2002 elections?

Minnesota: CCW reform died in a 33-33 split in Senate. What now?


New member
AFA Minnesota goes...

Its not a dead issue by any means. The tie vote in the senate just held things up a little longer. The house leadership will be able to pass it again the first session after the election this fall. Hopefully we'll end up with a more conservative/CCW friendly senate and it'll finally get passed there too. With Moe out of the way (since he's running for governor he can't run for the senate too...) it should pass.

Then, its all a matter of who we get in the governor's seat. If Moe wins, forget it. I don't think he'd ever sign it in a million years since he's the one who held it up in the senate. If Penny wins, then maybe he'd sign it. If Pawlenty wins, he WILL sign it.

If MN gets it before WI does (which is another possibility next session), I'll probably move back to MN. Since I live and work right on the border of the two states, its not a big deal to move back.


New member
I've been working with and may have the opportunity to become a board member soon with the KSA (Kansas Sportsman's Alliance - ) the are a PAC here in KS with roughly 2000 members and growing.
KS once had a CCW offered, it passed the state house and senate, then Gov Graves vetoed it.
Word has it that when Shallenberger takes office (optimist that I am :) it may be as soon as 4 months and we will have a CCW.
We are also trying very hard to get Phil Kline in the AG office, these two are not just pro-gun but VERY pro-gun.
I'll have an update shortly after the Nov elections.

As far as the specifics on what the previous bill attempt entailed I'm not sure, I'll see if I can get a copy of it.


New member
When I was growing up in Nebraska, the two U.S. senators from there were Carl Curtis and Roman Hruska. Pick your two favorite conservatives today. Multiply that by ten. That's what Curtis and Hruska were like. (Not saying whether that was good or bad). Times sure have changed in the land of the Big Red. Might as well be a People's Republic.


New member

I went to my first NRA Grassroots meeting last weekend and the CCW issue was brought up. CCW will be brought back up again within the next year or two. I guess it's kind of a wait an see with the upcoming election. Let's see who gets into office and go from there. Hopefully, in this time of war, people will vote more on the Conserative side and get some pro-gun people into our local governments.