Shall-Issue CCW states


New member
Currently, is only listing 30 states as "shall issue." Is this correct? I thought there were more.


Moderator Emeritus
I believe that it is now 31 that are considered "shall issue." Michigan just became the thirty-first with the reform of their previous "may issue" law.

Vermont, of course, has no licensing scheme, so they are not considered "any-kind-of issue."

Basically, there are 32 states that allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed, 11 that allow some of their citizens to carry concealed (may issue). and 7 states in which the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is infringed.

Here's a graphic I designed to show these stats:
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Ohioans For Concealed Carry Website

David Scott

New member
Nice graphic, Blues Man. From another post on the forum, it looks like you may be adding New Mexico soon. Yay!

If you really want to jazz it up, amend the graphic so that if you click on any state, all the states with reciprocity for that state's permits light up. IMHO one of the good efforts we need to make is to encourage reciprocity. Florida has it with about 18 of the 31 shall-issue CCW states. That's not enough. Personally, I want my permit to be good everywhere my driver's license is good.


New member
Nice job, TheBluesMan.

I'm writing to the editors of the (Red)StarTribune re: their anti-CCW editorial and am including your URL.

Yeah, yelling at the wind with that bunch, "but if just one journalist is saved . . ." :)


New member

Not to pick a fight with one of TFL's stalwarts, however I would respectfully suggest that ALL eighteen states that have limited or no right-to-carry have "infringed" our Second Amendment liberties -- some, obviously, more than others. I raise this point because several of the so-called "may issues" states (Maryland, Massachusetts, and New Jersey are examples) are essentially "no issue" states. In sum, anytime a responsible, law-abiding adult is precluded from legally carrying a self-defense weapon, his rights are abrogated.

Your graphic is terrific.

Regards -- Roy


Moderator Emeritus

You are, of course, correct about the use of the word "infringed." I guess I should have said "completely infringed." I would be willing to wager that *every* state has a law that infringes somewhat on our RKBA.

Iso1 has pointed out the right words to use as an alternative to "concealed carry." It is the right of all law-abiding people to carry in any way they see fit, open, concealed or anything in between. Of course if you believe this, then there are a lot more than 18 states that infringe on this God-given/Natural-born right. For instance, I think that if you have a CCW permit in Alabama, that you are not permitted to carry openly.

-That must make hunting a real pain! ;)


New member
NJ will NOT issue a CCW to anyone, unless you are "Well-Connected". Getting the CCW permit approved, is just as hard as getting a Class III permit issued in the State of NJ.