Shadow Ops weaponry.


New member
I have the opportunity to buy a shadow ops weaponry lower for like $180. I could also buy an aero precision lower locally for $100.
This being my first ar build I have no experience with either, but I'm wondering if the shadow oops is worth the extra money.
Money isn't a big issue, but I could have the aero this weekend as supposed to waiting a month.
I have the rest of the ar bought and waiting in boxes so I'm beginning to get antsy to put it all together.


New member
Personally I'd pick up the local one and get started. If, as you said, cost is no object, I'd order the better one and build it up too. You should be able to sell either one at a profit if one turns out to be better liked. Gunslinger


New member
I'd pick up the Aero Precision lower in a heartbeat. AP has a good reputation, makes excellent parts, and supplies many other respectable AR makes likes Spikes and PSA.

I just looked at the Shadow Ops Weaponry lower online, and there is nothing special about them to justify the price, unless you just want a billet lower (which I've never seen the need for).


New member
Aero makes a solid lower. Good deal for $100. Looks like Shadow Ops has some nice stuff too but I don't know much about them.


New member
I bought a ShadowOps lower and it works fine. I built it with a PSA lower parts kit and Magpul stock as a set from PSA for like $79.
It went together very easily, so I can say it was in spec. I suppose the AP would also be in spec, so that's probably a wash.

Is the 180 the price point that lets you customize your lower stamp with a laser etching? I etched the family name in Japanese on mine; it came out pretty well. I'll probably get another one and hand one down to each of my kids when they get old enough.


New member
I'd be buying it from a friend - who was going to sell it to me at cost as a favor. So no custom engraving.
I'll probably just pick up the ap this weekend.
Then I can finally get started on figuring out how to turn the box of parts into a rifle.