Shadow Government Plan in place after 9/11

Justin Moore

New member

'Shadow government' plan in place after 9/11

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Bush administration has activated Cold War-era plans for a "shadow government" consisting of 75 or more senior officials who live and work secretly outside Washington in case the nation's capital is crippled by terrorist attack, a senior government official said Thursday night.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the operation has been in effect since the first hours after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks but has evolved over time.

Originally designed to help the government withstand Cold War nuclear threats, the shadow government plan was activated out of heightened fears that the al-Qaeda terrorist network might obtain a nuclear weapons. U.S. intelligence has no specific knowledge of such a weapon, but the risk was great enough to warrant the activation of a plan dating to the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower, the official said.

Under the classified "Continuity of Operations Plan," first reported by The Washington Post, high-ranking officials representing their departments have begun rotating in and out of the assignment at one of two fortified locations along the East Coast.

The Post said the first rotations were made in late October or early November, a fact confirmed by a senior government official late Thursday.

Officials who are activated for the duty live and work underground 24 hours a day, away from their families, according to the Post. The shadow government has sent home most of the first wave of deployed personnel, replacing them most commonly at 90-day intervals.

A government official who spoke to The Associated Press said the groups usually number 70 to 150 people, depending on the level of threat detected by U.S. intelligence. He said Bush does not forsee ever needing to activate the secret government operation, but believed it was prudent to implement the long-standing plan in light of the gathering war on terrorism and persistent threats of future attacks.

The team, drawn from every Cabinet department and some independent agencies, would seek to prevent the collapse of essential goverment functions in the event of a disabling blow to Washington, the official said.

The underground government would try to contain disruptions of the nation's food and water supplies, transportation links, energy and telecommunications networks, public health and civil order, the Post reported. Later, it would begin to reconstitute the government.

The government-in-waiting is an extension of a policy that has kept Vice President Dick Cheney in secure undisclosed locations away from Washington. Cheney has moved in and out of public view as threat levels have fluctuated.

As next in line to power behind President Bush, he would need help running the government in a worst-case scenerio.

"We take this issue extraordinarily seriously, and are committed to doing as thorough a job as possible to ensure the ongoing operations of the federal government," Joseph W. Hagin, White House deputy chief of staff, told the Post, though he declined to discuss details. "In the case of the use of a weapon of mass destruction, the federal government would be able to do its job and continue to provide key services and respond."

According to the Post, the backup government consists generally of officials from top career ranks, from GS-14 and GS-15 to members of the Senior Executive Service. The White House is represented by a "senior-level presence," one official said, but well below such Cabinet-ranked advisers as Chief of Staff Andrew Card and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice.

Many departments, including Justice and Treasury, have completed plans to delegate statutory powers to officials who would not normally exercise them, the Post said. Others do not need to make such legal transfers, or are holding them in reserve.

The report said civilians deployed for the operation are not allowed to take their families and may not tell anyone where they are going or why.

The two sites of the shadow government make use of local geological features to render them highly secure, the Post said. They are well stocked with food, water, medicine and other consumable supplies, and are capable of generating their own power.


New member
Practically speaking, that's a good move if implemented Constitutionally. Read Clancy's "Executive Orders" for an example of what happens when there isn't a backup.

Unfortunately, the conspiracy nuts will go wild with this stuff.

The Reaper

New member
I think if the need arose for the US to rely on the "shadow government", we wouldn't be all that worried about what was contitutional. If something happens that this group is forced to run the government, most people will be concerned with survival, food, water, and such.

BTW a lot of black and other color helicopter traffic at the site I live near. ;)

Fred Hansen

New member
Stuff like this really needs to have a soundtrack. Maybe someone more clever than me could attach a really bad "B" movie suspense music movie loop or something. DUN DUN DUN DUUUN...BWAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAHHHHAAAAAA!!!!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


New member
Well! Duhhhhhhhhhhhh

My would seem that some folks haven't considered or contemplated that Cheney was visibly too various other senior members....wasn't like they were having "group" picnics during the height of the scares....

And give me a break, any reasonably well-read citizen of this country has known since the Cuban crisis that we've had in place a fairly sophisticated government redundancy process....not just in terms of the capacity to fill leadership gaps caused by catastrophic events....but to fill governmental functions as well.

What interests me is that the Times and the networks have made an issue of this at all....

Why don't those frigging tree-hugging, liberal journalists draw a picture and map to those "secret" locations.....

THEY WOULD IF THEY COULD!:barf: :confused: :D


New member
As I've posted almost everywhere I see this: These government officials have an inflated view of their importance. They are not needed, in fact, I think things would improve in America if they got nuked. The food would keep getting shipped, the gov't checks would keep getting paid(they're done from widely separated sub centers, like in KC) and life would pretty much carry on as normal outside the blast radius. The military has redundant command elements, and the state and local governments would keep running with no problems. If anything freedom in America would be better without a centralized bureaucracy to control every aspect of life. Semper Fidelis...Ken M


New member
Remember when Bill Clinton shut down the government back in ... what 1998?


Couldn't care less.



New member
Question, as heard on talk radio today: "So, if there is an emergency and the country is forced to run on a skeleton crew of a few hundred, why don't they do that now?"


Moderator Emeritus
That's always baffled me:

"We've had to shut down all but essential government functions".

Well, why have all these un-essential ones been siphoning my tax dollars in the first place? :confused:


New member
Some might allow themselves to be led by these unelected bureaucrats. I will not.

Troops in the filed should know what to do if those at the top of their chain of command are killed.

The rest of us live in states, which are supposed to be semi-sovereign entities in a federal system.

If Washington D.C. is nuked, that doesn't mean the rest of the country will be like a chicken with its head cut off, but rather like a host organism that has had a parasitic tumor removed.

I'm not saying I'd like to see this happen, or anything like that, just that this "shadow government" isn't really needed. If necessary, we could simply extend the list of people who would take over if the person above was killed. This is just a waste of money.

Of course, we don't need an armed citizenry, because there will never be a need for such a thing; it couldn't happen here and all. But this shadow government, it's a great idea (he said, tongue in cheek.)


The media hysteria

over this non-issue is, well, disgusting. The 'shadow government':barf: they are squealing about is the same government we have now! These pinheads don't get it.

Here's the scenario:

Joe goes to work on Friday as Third Special Assistant to the Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs. Joe shuffles paper, from box 'A' to box 'B' for eight a day, then goes home, except during a 'crises' when he delivers coffee to the situation room.

Alert! Alert! Implement sinister 'Shadow Gov't' Plan D-5!

Joe goes to work as Third Special Assistant to the Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs. Joe shuffles paper, from box 'A' to box 'B' for eight a day, then goes to his bunkie in the bunker, except during a 'crises' when he delivers coffee to the backup situation room.

Guess who is Joe's boss under both variations. Yep, you guessed it. The same guy. Joes job doesn't change, he just does it somewhere else. The emergency bit only kicks in if needed, not before. Yeah, Joe gets instructions on what he might have to do. He may even get to participate in a gaming scenario. But, when TSHTF , Joe's bosses, who have up to now been skipping the bunker scene, show up at the bunker to take charge, just like they are now, minus presumed casualties.

The Constitution dictates succession, and still applies. It is unlikely that, given Joe is in bunker status now, somebody legally in the line of succession to GW does not get a turn in the bunker with Joe. Where in the heck do you think Dick Cheney was 'hiding'? All legal, nice and tidy. This is how it works, folks. And guess what? There are more bunkers, and they ain't all on the east coast. And they don't all belong to the Pentagon. Time to chill.

David Park

New member
There are two simple reasons this story is being promoted by the media.

1. The term "shadow government" sounds sinister and makes a good headline.

2. The story "confirms" what Democrats have suspected all along, that Dick Cheney really is pulling W.'s strings behind the scenes.

The fact that it's largely irrelevant (as trapshooter and The Reaper stated) is of course unimportant. Most people will never learn the details anyway. I certainly didn't from the sound bites I heard on the radio today. :rolleyes:

Armed citizens: the real shadow government.


Armed citizens: the real shadow government.
:D Good one!

Regarding Tom (the Turkey) Daschle's fit of pique over 'not being informed' about the gory details of Plan D-5 :D :

If I, as a "gov't employee' report to office 333-a today, and am told to move my office temporarily down the street to the basement in office 01-G for a couple of months, does my agency have to file an incident report with one of Daschle's a$$-kissers?

Ans: No.

Here's the deal:

Enron : t-rd won't stick to GW or DC.

try Economy : t-rd won't stick to GW or DC

try 'war on terror' : t-rd won't stick to GW or DC.

invent 'shadow gov't t-rd' throw at GW and DC, see if it will stick.

What's next? Any guesses?


New member
I would actually be seriously concerned if my government had failed to have such a plan in effect. I mean, a nuke taking out much of DC is a pretty obvious scenario, if Al Queda ends up being nuke-capable.



Coronach ...

Good point. Also, I bet they don't have a shortage of 'volunteers' around DC for the 'bunker relocation' plan.:rolleyes:

I think, given the nature of the potential threats and harm, a little prudent action was/is in order.

Daschle's just pi--ed that the cover has been blown on his little resort bunker,(the Greenbriar) :barf:, or he'd be there right now, eating gourmet meals in a five-star suite, on our money, the slime.:mad:

He's probably looking for alternate senatorial digs at Hilton Head, as we speak.:mad:

Fred Hansen

New member
The other reason to not tell Demorats anything important, is because they would blab to the enemy at the first opportunity. They don't want the U.S. to have an unfaaaaiiiir (snivelers:mad: ) advantage. After all, the enemies of our country just have a different, but equally valid, point of view.:barf: :barf: :barf: :mad: :rolleyes:

Scott Conklin

New member
My only question regarding shadow government is why? What would be the drawbacks to DC-as Smoking-Crater? Or, phrased differently, what have they done for me lately?