Sex sells (firearms related)

Came across this interesting picture of two females advertising for Springfield Armory at the shotshow on


It had this caption: "Some other examples of things to see at the SHOT Show. They are handing out stickers that read 'I Got Loaded With Springfield Armory.'"

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
And the problem with this is...?

I still remember getting hugs and kisses from Gretchen at the Vihtavuori booth and Sarah at the Cryo Accurizing booth... :D
It was a nice change from the bear hug I got from "Big Bubba" at the hunting cammo booth!

Springfield Rocks...
Sex sells? Dillon ads, these lovely ladies, the women in beer commercials...I lose track of the product. And sex sells, but the adds make me want to buy women, not their Springfields, Budweiser, or presses.

Doc Hudson

New member
adds make me want to buy women, not their Springfields, Budweiser, or presses.

Maybe, but your wife won't get as mad if you buy the Springfield or the Budweiser, or presses. :D

Doc Hudson

Mike in VA

New member
My wife won't let me have any more love slaves. She thinks I have enough guns, too. I hope she doesn't find out about the Karh P-9 I just bought. Still, she'd let that slide beofre she'd understand Gretchen. I'd have to adopt and do incest or something>:):):)


New member
Be nice, gentlemen, the one on the left IS my wife...and she doesn't care how many Springfields I buy.



New member
Two Females.....

uh, Cynic-

...Think your wife would mind introducing me to her friend?
I like Springfields too:)


Moderator Emeritus
In the modeling industry...

...this is known colloquially as "booth bimbo" work. In a big convention town like Atlanta, it can be a fairly dependable trickle of income. Rarely would the product or company be as cool or interesting as Springfield Armory, however. Too bad my modeling days were long gone by by the time SHOT show came to town. :(

David Scott

New member
Personally, I dislike sales pitches that assume I will forget all my smart consumer stuff when confronted with a pair of breasts. It's insulting to imply that I would let my gonads overrule my logic like that.
David is right! It is insulting to us men! It degrades us all that women dress like that and then pretend to like us so long as we are at their booth! Personally, I am mortified! What were they selling again?


New member
Just some random thoughts

First, let me say, I don't mind this sort of thing. They are dressed, so who cares (I've seen worse [more] at the Detroit Intl Auto Show, believe me).

But, second, let me point out that perhaps some woman relate these sorts of images to the so-called "gun culture" and it might be a small part of the reason so few women are interested in shooting, much less going to gun shows. :)

I dunno. Just a thought. And yes, in case you were wondering, I'm a chubby midget, my hair is it's natural boring color, etc. and alas you'll never see me looking like those lovely ladies. But then again, I'm paid for my brains not my breasts. Hopefully, my brains will "stay firm" longer than those other things. *laugh*

Here's a thought... I wonder if studly men in adverts for guns in women's magazines would help get the ball rolling for more female ownership? I doubt it.




New member
Amelia, Harley's "hunk" calendar sells well, so there's obviously a skin market among women.

Before Snap On became PC, I did a lot of girlie photos for their racing and tool posters. They brought in swimsuit models from all over the country, and the girls were a pleasure to work with. Very professional, and there was no confusion as to why they were there.

When the girlie stuff got canned, my wife said, "that's good. They shouldn't print that stuff." I reminded her that she had told me there was a poster in the women's locker room where she works of a guy wearing nothing at all. "That's different," she said.




Moderator Emeritus
I'll admit...

...that that DeSantis ad from a couple years ago with the slab of prime rib wearing the shoulder rig and some jeans never caused me a moment's distress. ;)

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Now - I dont go in for every image of a scantily clad girlie with a gun... Dont get me wrong Duck...
Search back and you will find a couple threads where I spoke out against some of these... Specifically the ones from EAA... and especially one where EAA was advertising its polymer framed autos with a blond wrapped up in clear plastic wrap and a bikini. Tacky. Just Tacky.
And a little nasty too because as tacky as that was - she wasnt even pretty!
Thats the best EAA advertising could come up with? From those ads, I have been turned off of EAA for good.

Looking at the Springfield girls up top here - Not too tacky for Booth Babes - I have seen worse. Yup - at auto shows too. At least these girls shown here are actually pretty and not just over developed/silicone enhanced walking breasts. The one on the left is actually rather smallish for a booth babe.

Sexy girlies have been a mainstay of advertising since the begining of advertising... The only things that have changed is the definition of what SEXY is.

duck hunt

New member
especially one where EAA was advertising its polymer framed autos with a blond wrapped up in clear plastic wrap and a bikini. Tacky. Just Tacky.

Duck Hunt's Joke of the Day

A guy walks into a psychiatrist's office wrapped head to toe in nothing but Saran Wrap. He says, "Doc! You gotta help me! Please tell me what's the matter with me!"

The doc takes one look at the guy and says...

(wait for it)

"Well, I can clearly see you're nuts."


Thank you! Thank you!