Several break ins just blocks from my house...


New member
What should I do? We have an alarm system and were using it now. Locking doors and windows. Guns are in a safe locked, ammo locked seperately from firearms so using them isnt an option for home defence. Suggestions?


New member
Laws of the state say its illegal to keep a unlocked firearm in acces of minors, there are people under 18 in the house.


New member
Non gun ideas, get some big dog toys, hack them up with a hammer, scatter them around, might work as a bluff and make em pick someones else home.

Make sure you have sensor flood lights, dont leave bushes BG can hid behind around your windows, dont leave things of value in plain sight where people outside your home can see em. Basiclly make your home look like a poor target.


New member
Big dog toys :D!! That works...I have a machete? haha but really We have motion sencors. Ill hack up the bushes this weekend they need it anyways. And Ill teach my golden to bark louder.


New member
Way I heard it phased before, "even a meth addict dont want to tangle with a hairy bag full of razor blades". Most people will move on if they think there a risk of getting bit.


New member
Well my dog barks really loud and low...I guess this helps? Ill do everything else suggested. I wish I could have my AR by my bed with some TAP.


New member
Get that "assalt" rifle out. Load a mag. Put it in your pocket and keep the rifle close to you. Smack ank under 18 away from the gun. Eighteen...even eight... IS old enough to understand "NO".


hot sauce

New member
Load up!

I would keep a half box of shells and a pistol box under the bed with an unlocked lock and keep my loaded pistol where I wanted it. But where I live we do not have weird laws like you do so I do not need to CMA.


New member
Don't let the minor access it. If you put one lock between it and the child, would that not satisfy the law? IF that does meet the requirement(?), all you need to do is lock your door and ready the firearm. Before you leave, lock the gun up again.

Or get a locking device that can be unlocked in a hurry.

chris in va

New member
What the heck state is this?? Wow.

Locking doors and windows.

Sorry, but most window/door locks can be defeated with a crowbar or swift kick. Get door jammers and charlie bars if you have sliding glass. If you have double pane sliding windows with wood frames, drill a hole through both frames and slide an eye bolt in. Easy to remove during a fire, but keeps intruders from simply popping the window 'lock'. They'd have to break the window, and someone would hear that.

Look, I'm not advocating breaking the 'law' or anything, but seems a little ridiculous not being armed at home in some fashion. I'd highly recommend wearing a sidearm in a holster when at home.

Lawyer Daggit

New member

Get a dog, it does not need to be a Dobermann to be a good watch, dogs like Jack Russell's can sound the alarm, or if you feel inclined, a Dachshund (essentially a dobermann on short legs and without a docked tail) will attack anything, whilst being a good family pet.


New member
I used to rent in a sketchy, (putting it mildly) part of town many years ago. There were gunshots heard plenty of times & addicts would knock on the door trying to sell everything under the sun. Batteries, CDs no case, antifreeze, you name it.

I had a big porch so we put a GIANT dog dish out there and wrote "Killer" on it. It worked great! Maybe too good actually, we had to wait for the mail man and fill him in that we had no dog because he started skipping the house.

I bought my Winchester 1300 back then too. Still have it!


New member
well, in my house I have a gun in every room except the 2 yr olds bedroom.

I did think about locking them up (they are already in a high cabinet etc so the kid can't reach) after a rash of break ins in my town, so i went and ordered two of the DAC sport safes for locking the pistols in. Luckily I live in a a quite part of town only a few blocks from the Police/HP/Sherrif offices and my neighbors are all old retirees that literally look out their windows all the time (was out a 3 in the AM working on my chevelle's locks and the neighbor lady called the cops on me thinking i was a burglar).

Anyway, the cops caught the burglars that had been responsible for the rash of break ins (some illegals by the way) a few blocks over from us and their crime spree ended. They were mostly smash and grab types any way.

But I will still be getting more of the quick single pistol style safes/lock boxes that can be secured so that I won't have to wory about having a thief grab them out of a cabinet or under the mattress when I am away.

Also, I have labs and they are real quiet and will not even bark until they are on you. My neighbor found this out the hard way when he hopped my fence to cut his bushes that were hanging over. he had looked around but my labs were getting some shade under a few bushes by the house and so he didn't see them. he proceeded to hop the fence and had his pruning shears and was starting to trim the bushes when he was cornered by 3 LARGE (northern magnum size) labs that were about ready to treat him like a chew toy. Only thing that saved him was that he was right at the fence and practically jumped the 6 ft fence with 2 labs on his legs (one on each side) and another on his rear end.
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New member
Jeez, I read stuff like this and it makes me really glad I live where I do. I have loaded guns scattered all over the house (no kids at home) and I always have one within easy reach. I also have a psycho little dog that hates everything and everybody and he's better than any alarm system.

I still had loaded guns around the house when the kids were growing up, they knew what they were and not to mess with them. Taught all my kids gun safety and how to shoot while they were young anyway...