Seven Taliban authorities shot and killed by a woman?


New member
Jerry Pournelle is hard to describe (space scientist, science fiction writer, computer columnist, just to start), but take it from me, he is a very interesting guy with many equally interesting correspondents. He posts interesting emails on many issues (computers, politics, military affairs) on his web site. He's been to Thermopylae and seen the burial mound, for you fellow Molon Labe fans.

The following was posted today:


This came across an international list I frequent which is made up of graduates of Jeff Cooper's Modern Technique of the Pistol training. As you can expect, there are a lot of military, law enforecement, firearms trainers and just plain civilians on there.

jim dodd

---------- Seven Taliban authorities attempting to take a lone female into custody were shot and killed here yesterday. It was not clear why they were arresting the woman. According to witnesses when she resisted their efforts to take her into custody they started to beat her at which time she produced a silenced pistol from her clothing and killed all seven Taliban. Witnesses said she reloaded the pistol and left the area before reinforcements arrived. Local police chief Colonel Ali-Asghar Sayyaf is concerned that the killer possessed a silenced weapon and had the skill to easily kill seven armed men before any were able to fire a shot. The Colonel refused any further comment and said he is confident his men will locate the woman soon. It is speculated by one Mujahideen source that she may be the same female assassin who has stalked key members of terrorist movements throughout Europe and the Middle East for the past decade. The source speculated that due to the proximity to one of his homes Usama Bin Laden himself has been selected as her next target. Commander Masood of the United Front has denied knowledge of any attempt to assassinate Bin Laden.

Any one else hear of this?


New member
And some say an armed citizen has no chance against the authorities. Wonder what she charges for her classes ?



New member
Hands up how many people want to try to arrest this women.
I mean she's a female in THAT country, takes out 7 armed men at what sounds like point blank range, is possibly an expert assassin type, is willing to defend herself.....


New member
"The source speculated that due to the proximity to one of his homes Usama Bin Laden himself has been selected as her next target." :eek:

...I'd like a front row seat for that show!



All some tyrants understand is hot lead.

Way to go girl!!! Yeeeoowwww.



New member
Arrest Her!

"Hands up how many people want to try to arrest this women. "

Arrest her, hell, most TFL'ers would like to take her to the range and observe her technique!

Hmmmmm...have any of TFL's female members not posted for a while:D

Where has DC been? :D

Geoff Ross
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New member
Wasn't Tamara taking a trip somewhere? ;)

A lot of Afghan women received training during the war against the Sovs. And there were a whole lot of special weapons floating around (captured from Spetsnaz, manufactured in Pakistan, or otherwise "donated" by various groups and governments). And fundamentalist Islamic men don't expect women to fight back (morons!). So, this doesn't surprise me much in Afghanistan.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
The whole description sounds a bit too "newsworthy" to me. Supressed pistols aren't exactly tops in power and 1:7 all at once is pretty stiff odds. My theory is that we are seeing a re-run of the 1919 asassination attempt on Lenin, supposedely by a woman with a grudge (in that case, somone was picked up and executed)...a case of internal split blamed on someone else.


New member
All she need do is switch to a different burka and she will be anonymous again. (There were stories of several Saudi women slipping through customs in a similar fashion - changing not shooting.) It is funny how the Taliban's own rules can turn around and bite them (for a change).

Yes Oleg, it could be. But it could also be true. Perhaps more Afghani women will follow the lead if it is. They have put up with far more than it would take most to snap.

JimR, Is there a link? I too like Jerry Pournelle.


New member
Talk about an ass kicking survival gene...

I don't care what she looks like, I want her to have my children.

Hey, how about we take up a collection, ship her over here, and turn her loose in the Kalifornia or the Senate?

David Scott

New member
Can't say I blame her. Under the Taliban, women's staus is somewhere between farm animals and farm animal excrement. It's illegal to teach a woman to read, for instance, and if she's ill, a doctor can't examine her. A male relative must go with her and tell the doctor her symptoms.

The Taliban is one of the most oppressive governments in the world, and it's high time the average Afghani rose up, threw the buggers out and established a civilized government.


New member
Now now now...

That might anger the UN. Wouldn't want anyone overthrowing a government, and using arms (gasp) to do it. Obviously the Afghani government is the proper ruler of Afghanistan, and the afghani people will just have to learn to live with it.


PS An interesting wedge issue, no? Liberals who are pro-UN and anti-arms are likely pro-feminist, too, no?


New member
The Talibans need such women. She obviously didn't need the 'escort'
to do her daily shopping.

And 'bout shipping her to Kali - just make sure she shows up in some
anti-gunner orgs, as 'disapproved' women.


What's that noise? :D

It's stories like this that just warm my heart. After everything the Taliban has done to the women of Afghanistan, it's high time for some payback.

Even if it's not true, or simply exaggerated, perhaps it will encourage other Afghani women to stand up to their oppressors.

If she takes out Bin Laden, I say the least the U.S. can do is offer her safe passage and asylum.


Member In Memoriam
"If she takes out Bin Laden, I say the least the U.S. can do is offer her safe passage and asylum" Hell EP they ought to be REALLY nice and throw in a sack of crawfish and a case of Bud Lite too!! :D


New member
There is actually a 7 million dollar reward for Osama. That kind of cash will get quite a few very skilled people looking for you.

However, I have to agree with Oleg. The story sounds a bit far out. At least really exagerated.