Seven Round Magazines


New member
OK, I hate to be the first to broach the topic, and I certainly hope they aren't necessary, but..
What do you think the odds are that manufacturers will make 7 round magazine models, and replacement magazines, for their NY customers?
I'm really hoping that this provision and at least the provision for NCIC checks for ammo purchases, are repealed. If they are not, are we looking at a de facto ban of a lot of semi auto handguns in NYS?
The law speaks of permanent modification to seven round capacity.
Since magazines seem to be a leading cause of malfunctions, how hard is this for a person or manufacturer to do? Doesn't it require a modification of both spring length and rate, and won't that require some significant testing to work?


New member
They already make 10 rd mags but if you have a gun no longer made you might be screwed ! You could modify a magazine but it would have to be permanent ! I'm looking at things like a Kahr to deal with the situation. Much depends on what Obama does. The situation stinks !! :mad:


New member
I think large manufacturers will hold off to see how it shakes out and what mag mods NY find acceptable. If it only takes a simple mode they may retrofit existing mags fairly soon. Could be as simple as a block in the bottom or a tab punched in of the sidewall to stop the follower.


New member
What do you think the odds are that manufacturers will make 7 round magazine models, and replacement magazines, for their NY customers?

Personally, I hope that none of them do.

This will force the law to become, in essence, government confiscation of property without compensation (since all these firearms will become illegal to use). In addition to the obvious 2nd Amendment violation, numerous other statutes will be triggered, forcing legal action to toss out this tyrannical law.


New member
Yes, I'm aware they make 10 round mags. NY isn't the only state that was working under that one.
I'm not convinced the 7 round mag will stick, there has been a huge backlash on that one, and rumors of amendments (dozens, at last count) abound.
It will be interesting to see if manufacturers make them. If they don't, yes, all kinds of laws could be triggered, including Heller, which prohibited ban of commonly available firearms.
I was looking for help on just how hard the mod would be, if difficult enough, the law may change, one way or another.


New member
I realize the truism that "all politics is local" but must admit some concern over how often I am hearing people say its all ok as long as their chosen firearms are not being targeted. I personally have no interest in AR15s or any other rifle that is on the hit list. I have only a piddling interest in semi-automatic pistols that hold more than 10 rounds. I have a Hi-Power and purchased a P95 recently (good deal on a slightly used one) but other than those my autos are single-stack. Mostly I am a revolver guy, and single-action revolvers, at that and I find these draconian efforts to be a direct assault on my rights. What the politicians did in New York was not about protecting people from gun violence and it was not about the tragedy in Connecticut, except insofar as that was used as a pretext to launch an attack on law abiding citizens of New York simply to show they have the power to do so and to show their contempt for those who think differently than them. As has happened before, the great Liberal failing is hubris and their tendency to overreach when they think they have an advantage. The seven round law was a sharp stick to the eye of lawful gun owners everywhere. It was intended to be insulting and was successful in my view.


New member
Yes, the 10 rounders that you already have are grandfathered in. But you can't purchase new ones. And any new gun you buy must hold no more than 7 in the mag. The question of 8 round or more revolvers has not been answered.

crazy charlie

New member
I don't understand the term 'grandfathered'.
Has a federal law been passed that I don't know about?
My understanding of the proposed NY law is you can only load 7 rds in a mag. not that the mag can't hold more than that.


New member
I don't understand the term 'grandfathered'.
If you have it already, you can keep it or transfer it, but you can't bring in new ones from out of state.
Has a federal law been passed that I don't know about?
Regarding mags, as I write this, no.
My understanding of the proposed NY law is you can only load 7 rds in a mag. not that the mag can't hold more than that.
This is not quite correct. Newer production 8-10rd mags may not be legally brought into NY after the effective date of the legislation. IOW the supply of 8-10rd magazines in NY has been legally capped, although there's an exception for units over 50 years old.