Serious stopping power... in rifle format!


New member
.700 Holland & Holland Nitro Express. It fires a 1,000-grain bullet at 2,000 fps, yielding an impressive 8,900 foot-pounds-- roughly twice the energy of a .375! Now that is a big bore.-Mike Schoby

I never thought elephant guns could get this BIG but I guess they do, I was impressed when someone showed me a picture of it... Definately a great self defense round! :D

There are a few pictures out on the net search for .700 or even the .600 Nitro Express!

[Edit] With the picture :eek:



  • 700nitroexpressvs50bmgcases.GIF
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New member
Box of 5 rounds .700 Nitro Express at Midway costs $364.95. Not something you would want to waste.

Of course the rifle itself I have seen gone for $200000 so we are talking big boy's money here. Holland & Holland rifles though are indeed beautiful and wonderful and if you feel the need to buy me one go ahead.


New member
Well now, if at some point in my life I encounter a raging bull elephant breaking into my house set on killing me, I'll reflect back to now and say to myself "Damn, I wish I had a .700 Nitro Express right now..." LOL The rich ones always seem to be compensating for something, and I don't mean a cross-wind... :D


New member
At 256 ft/ib recoil its not something you want to fire from anything that isn't bolted down into place anyway.

It makes the 30 ft/ib from a 30-06 all day not seem so bad after all.


New member
If that doesn't completely redefine the expression "getting knocked on your a$$", I'm not sure what does... Why not just put a Bradley in the garage and call it a day? LMAO!
Bah thats nothing, a 4 bore jungle gun firing cylindrical slugs, youre looking at a bullet that weighs over a quarter of a pound, going at 900-1200 FPS. Most of the old time big game hunters that used it on a regular basis went insane from recoil.

I call these hunters "Recoil Addled Cecil" collectively.


New member
Once again, the Bradley has my vote... But I want a cup holder installed... With really good stability control and shock absorbtion. Don't wanna foam my beer... LOL


New member
How could one even shoulder-fire these mega-guns?

I can remotely imagine firing the lower-level big-game cartridges, like the 416 Rigby, etc. But a .700 Nitro Express? Supposedly big game hunters use these on Cape Buffalo.

Hunters have to shoulder fire this cartridge.

Is that even possible...?

I sure can't imagine shoulder firing a sawed off 50 BMG rifle!!!



I was just reading about the 416 Rigby. Wholly screaming crap-flakes!!!

Did you know its 130 dollars for a box of 20 cartridges???

What the blazing heck makes them so expensive?



New member
Yah, well it saves time to use something that big I suppose. They're only after the head anyway, so shoot a cape buffalo with a .700 nitro, figure out where the head landed, and you're on your merry way. :D I still say it's a compensation factor.


New member
4 bore jungle gun firing cylindrical slugs, youre looking at a bullet that weighs over a quarter of a pound, going at 900-1200 FPS.

Link me please

serach engine came up short


New member
Extreme prices versus common sense

Box of 5 rounds .700 Nitro Express at Midway costs $364.95. Not something you would want to waste.

Of course the rifle itself I have seen gone for $200000

Yipes! :eek: All I can say is, why??? :confused:

An alternative would be a CZ Safari bolt action in the common .458 Winchester Magnum for about $750. And then pay about $65 per 20 for big game hunting ammunition (e.g. A-Square Monolithic Solid 465gr @ 2220fps). The elephant would be just as dead. :rolleyes:

Death from Afar

New member
Back in the days when the .600 was king of the heap - before the .700- one of the ivory hunters was asked why he used a .600...and he replied.....

"WELL, SONNY, THEY DONT MAKE A .700!" :) :) :) :)


New member
one of the docs I work with is one of those "more power" junkies (he had the first S&W 500 in the state AFAIK). In his opinion, any rifle caliber smaller than .416 Rigby is for kids and/or women. I go shooting with him just to cure myself of the urge to buy one of these monsters. I watch him fire the rifle once and my desire drops to zero for a while. Some people......


New member
Why oh why

if anything is big enough that it needs to be killed by a .700NE why oh why would one feel the need to shoot it. I think that it would have to be bolted to a truck on a swivel before id even think about touching it off and i wouldnt want it to be my truck either.