Sensable gun control that I like


New member
Blues Man,

Yah I posted it in both sections...namely cause I felt this one is too good for any one to miss! Besides it really does fit into both topics.
I love Vermont and vacation there about every other year. Besides being so pro-gun, it's close to many historic sites (Saratoga Battlefield, Fort Ticonderoga, Fort No. 4 (NH), Bennington Battlefield in NY State, the reconstructed Fort William Henry). Ruger's factory in Newport, NH is within driving distance too. Besides being pro-gun, housing is affordable.

Drawbacks - you gotta like snow and cold.

glock glockler

New member
Slow down there for a minute. Vermont might be excellent as far as guns go, but there are other aspects of Vermont that you might not find quite so appealing. As far as education, health care, and other "social issues" go, Vermont is waaaaaaaay left. I live in New Hampshire about 20 minutes from the Vermont border, and most of the Naderites and other leftists that I bump into usually reside in Vermont. Also keep in mind that the proposed law (which will NEVER get passed, BTW) was put forth by A rep, not voted in by an overwhelming majority. You will have your lone rep with common sense in almost every State, but that is not an indication of the general feeling towards that issue.

If any of you want to move to a pro-gun State, move here to NH. We might not be quite as good as Vermont in that single area, but we beat them in just about every other area, and we need more patriots here because we are being invaded and overtaken by socialists from Vermont.