Sendero Problems.......

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New member
I've got a 300 Winmag Sendero, used but in what appears to be very good condition.

Problem is, is that it won't allow the bolt to open up after I shoot. It travels BEAUTIFULLY from the closed position to almost "12 o'clock", but I mean you need to be a gorilla to get it up the last 1/8" to 12 o'clock in order to get the lugs to clear. I fired round #1 and it came up with quite a bit of force I'd guess at least 10x more force than is normal maybe more, #2 came up with a lot of difficulty, round #3 was a little easier, #4 is still in the gun, that's how hard it is to open.

I need to take the scope and mount off to see if those screws are torquing the action. Then I need to make sure the action screws are torqued to 65 in/lbs. If it still binds I guess it needs to go to a 'smith. Just not sure what the problem could be.

Let me say that the brass comes out looking normal from all outside observations. This is not appearing to be bad brass, or a rough chamber. I had that with my PSS and it worked itself out after about 100 rounds. This gun has already been thru that period. The bolt glides smoothly open and closed with an empty chamber, no hang-ups at all...none. The cartridges I am using are Fed Gold Match, so the brass and bullets should be top notch.

Any ideas? Will I still be able to send it to Remington, or am I SOL?




New member
Don't know what to tell you. According to what you state about the ammunition I wouldn't be expecting problems either. But I don't know about this 100 round (or however long) break-in for the action. My 700 Mountain worked beautifully out-of-the box. It might be out-of-spec ammo, did you try any other makes before this seizure?


New member

You may have misunderstood me. I was giving referece to a possible rough or tight chamber. My example was my PSS. Which didn't like suplus ammo at first..........just stating that the Sendero was well outside rough chamber issues, as there have been several hundreds rounds thru the gun prior to my taking ownership.


Desert Pete

New member
The fact that it opens and closes normally without a cartridge leads me to think it may be an extractor problem. The extractor may be deformed or oversized so that it won't slip over the cartridge rim as it should. Or maybe there is an obstruction behind it preventing normal extractor opoeration. At any rate, the fact that it works on an empty chamber should be the key to figuring out what's wrong. Why does inserting a cartridge make a difference?


New member
That's the key to my is not only putting in a cartridge, but firing it. It will operate forever very well with an unfired, live round. Open close, open close.....all day I imagine.

But add close, FIRE, opppppppp......nope no open.

That has got me baffled. If the brass came out all messed up I could figure a few other things too. But the brass looks rather normal.


Desert Pete

New member
If the extractor theory is correct, it should be shaving a little bit of brass off the case rim where it makes contact with the extractor as it is forced over the rim. Look at the case rim very closely.

Desert Pete

New member
Ok, I'm off base. Does dry firing also make it hard to open the bolt? Maybe it's the recocking action that is the problem.


New member
I was the previous owner of this gun. I can add that I only had this problem once and was with plain brass cases. I then switched to nickel plated brass and never had the problem again, probably 100-150 rounds. Why would the nickel plated brass make a difference??


New member
Sounds like you might have a slightly oblong or egg shaped chamber. Remington had a big QC issue with chamber problems over the past year or so. If the rifle is working fine doing everything except opening after you fire it then that's a sure sign because the brass is pushed out of round. It might be so slight that it doesn't even look out of round and it probably isn't that bad as you can open the bolt but it's there. I would call Remington and talk to them about it. Seeing as you are the second owner they might not fix it under warrenty but you never know.


New member
Something to try...

Just for kicks, I'd pull the bolt and very carefully check the locking lugs with a magnifying glass. Maybe they are rough and catching.

Part of "accurizing" a rifle is to get the lugs to lock square. Some of the gunsmiths say that only 10-15% of the area of the lugs on factory Remingtons make contact because they're not square.

If they're cut at a slant, it could tighten as the bolt turns. Could either be the cut-outs or the lugs themselves.


New member
Make sure the scope mount screws don't protrude into the action. I had this problem before, had to grind the screws down a little and no more problem. Other than that, the factory ammo might be too hot for your gun. Try a light handload to verify that this is not the case.


New member

OK, took the rings, base and scope off tonight. Was able to open the action with a small tap from a 20oz hammer, straight back.

Empty chamber/action the bolt rolls and opens and closes VERY smoothly. Pull the trigger and it is VERY VERY tight. I don't think it has to do with the brass ast all. It is tight after every single trigger pull, with no base, or rings on it, even outside the stock it is tight after pulling the trigger.

Anybody know? Should I just send it to a smith and have them accurize it?



Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
SHIVAN, given what you now know, why not repost over in the Smithy forum?

Better than moving this whole thread. I'll wait until sometime Thursday before closing it.

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