Senators to Dine with President


New member
The AJC is reporting that Mr. Obama is hosting a dinner tonight for several Republican Senators hoping to gain their support for his agenda including gun control. The group includes Senators Chambliss, Graham, Ayotte, McCain, Toomey, Corker and Johnson.

These Senators have shown willingness to compromise in the past which might not be a bad thing as it relates to the budget, but not Constitutional freedoms. Please take a moment to contact these folks and let them know that we do not support “compromise” as it relates to our Second Amendment freedoms.
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New member

Tom Servo, and you, Barry, I believe, have both warned that Chambliss, not being up for reelection is a loose cannon. (pun somewhat ironically intended)

Welp, the good Senator's office will be getting a phone call in the morning.

Maybe I'll threaten to say mean things about him after his retirement speach. :rolleyes:


New member
Not sure about the rest of the list, but
McCain most likely will sell out, as he was involved with the first
AWB 1994. I'm not sure if Flake will be involved, but he looks like a sell out also

AZ senators selling out ?

Hey Grandpaw !

What's fir Dinner ????


New member
Just sent an email and called Sen. Chambliss' office. Told them what I thought and what not, doubt it does any good, but worth the shot.

Discussed this with one of my fellow Poli Sci Fraternity Brothers and we agreed that Sen. Chambliss was just pandering to the future Georgia History books.


Yes it looks like McCain does support some areas of an assault rifle ban, that seems inconsistent with his other statements on gun rights, he just lost my vote


New member
Yes it looks like McCain does support some areas of an assault rifle ban, that seems inconsistent with his other statements on gun rights, he just lost my vote

McCain has never been one to honor the constitution, ie the "Patriot Act". He is a very untrustworthy man.


New member
So, according to CNN it appears that the primary topics at last night’s dinner were related to the budget, taxes and entitlement reform. No one so far has mentioned gun control as a topic and I suppose that is a good thing.

I personally would like to see these folks get together on the above mentioned issues and make changes that are good for the Country as a whole. However, as I said in the OP, there is no room for compromise as it relates to our Constitutional freedoms.
No one so far has mentioned gun control as a topic and I suppose that is a good thing.
I really get the impression that the work is considered done with the executive orders the President signed. In political terms, gun control is "off message" for him at this point.


New member
I don't think the dinner party had the desired effect for anyone involved as Sen. Paul seems to have upstaged them all with his filibuster.