Senator's poll, demand your 2A rights


New member
Good Deal

Nice work let's keep this up. P.S I am not normally a politically annoying person but this is extremely imporntant


New member
Wow, the current vote tally on Bill Nelson's website is 96% voted against a new AWB, and 4% voted for one.


New member
Look at the total number of people too. Then compare that to the previous polls he has done. Pretty staggering how much higher of a response this poll got.


New member
I don't know if it's my computer or what. But I tried to vote 4 times and the little "thing" just kept going around and around like it was working.

Not that it will influence this guy or not. He is comfortable for another term anyway he votes.


New member
Not that it will influence this guy or not. He is comfortable for another term anyway he votes.

I'm sure that's what Richard Lugar here in Indiana thought too (Lugar was a six-term incumbent senator who lost in the Republican primary last year).


New member
Done, and passing it along. Not even sure if this will make a difference really. It seems that most politicians don't give a rats ass about what the people think and only care about their own agenda.


New member
The poll didn't help.

I received the same form letter again from Bill Nelson. Yeah, the poll was useless. Another member here had posted his responses. Not sure where, but his views regarding an AWB are quoted in my response.

I understand that you may be contemplating retirement before your next term, so in a sense, you are a lame duck. However, you will likely ruin the Democratic party for another 20 years with the following views:

"I support reinstating the assault weapons ban and restoring the 10-round limit for ammunition magazines. And, I support universal background checks so that we can know if person buying a weapon has a criminal record."

Then you don't support me, and you don't care about crime or my family's safety. If you cared, criminals would be locked up, not out there skirting gun laws so that they have to have girlfriends buy their guns for them, or can only shoot ten people at a time. Or God forbid they simply rape or murder women without guns.

"I appreciate hearing your views on this very important issue, and I will keep them in mind. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future."

I don't think you do, or you would give a thoughtful reply, rather than a pandering, red herring, I-support-your-right-to-hunt form letter, as if this issue were about hunting rather than life or death.

Your letters are being shared on several online firearms forums, and so will your voting record.



New member
After receiving many replies from Nelson's office. I see him voting for the ban against the wishes of the majority of his constituents (spelling).


Bill's got my vote

Florida's senior U.S. senator, joined by Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings in downtown Orlando, said gun-show loopholes that allow private collectors to sell weapons without running background checks on buyers should be closed.

It won't matter: Bill Nelson is committed to increased gun control.

Do your homework. Make an informed vote. Tell your neighbors to do likewise.