Sen. Ted Steven's (bridge to nowhere) home raided by FBI/IRS

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Ted Stevens Home raided

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- Federal agents searched the home of U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens on Monday, focusing on records related to his relationship with an oil field services contractor jailed in a public corruption investigation, a law enforcement official said.

Boy I'm glad our government isn't drowning in illegal handouts from Big Oil. Maybe they should raid the White House next...



check his computer! I'm sure there are still plenty of incriminating emails there waiting for someone to unclog the tubes


Ted is being investigated, his son is under the gun, Sen. Lisa just had a bit of an eithical faux paux and feebs are looking at Don Young.

Too bad.... all of them are A+ for gun owners

Since I live and work here in a first name basis state, I'll say no more.



What a smarmy little sound bite....I assume you are referring to the bridge from Ketchican to their aiport?

Here's my response:



hey dude, you can have all the bridges you want...I just don't want to pay for it :p

oh and I can't stand that old coot because putting a guy with barely enough technical knowledge to handle a touch tone phone in charge of a congressional committee that oversees global communication is like putting a pedophile in charge of a congressional committee responsible...for safe..guarding....children

aw frak. nevermind


gladly! if illinois can't afford to build its own bridges then we don't deserve to have them

we'll tear up a few airstrips to make up for it though, don't worry


New member
You are justifying a bridge almost as long as the Golden Gate, costing almost a billion dollars, to connect Gravina Island (pop. less than 50) which already has a ferry running every 15 mins. to Ketchikan (pop. 8000). Just wanted to make sure.


Thats right I am.

And it's $315 million, not a billion.

But ya see, everyone else has their bridges already. Its like all the greedy kids eat the cake and wont buy another one for the new kid on the block



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Oh yeah, the guy who tried to "deregulate" the Internet. That offense outweighs any and all good things he has or will have done.

Although the ability of a politician to secure a massive amount job-generating pork for your state is quite impressive.

No dice on the "deregulating," though.


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I just want Ted to be treated the same way as William Jefferson, Diane Swinestein and Harry Reid, when it comes to ethics questions.


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Geez WA,

You're pretty diplomatic. The last time I defended the Gravina Is. bridge I got a thread closed.:p

Uncle Ted is an A+ for gun owners when there's a bit of arm twisting.

However, good for us or not, I'm tired of accepting corrupt politicians just because they bring home the bacon or vote in agreement with me on certain issues.


New member
That's a great arguement-being late to the graft and corruption party entitles you to catch-up time.

Tell your goofy arsed congress and senator pukes to stop blocking our developement of our oil and other resources and we'll gladly pay for our own 'effin" bridges and capital infrastructure projects. Until up 'til it hurts. :mad:


New member
Until up 'til it hurts.

You obviously missed the point of my post - WA's argument is simply pathetic.

As to the paltry pork that Alaska is getting... you should send your Congresscritters to study at the feet of Robert Byrd.


WA's argument is simply pathetic.

Why? because you cant answer it? Because like we deserve less up here because we are late to the trough? Hey we are second class....heck half the state is natives anyway, yes?

Because us Alaskans, no matter what the amount of $$ we get here, doesnt change the fact that when the US was building an Interstate Hwy system folks up here were poopin in buckets in the states largest city...we want to go to the 'burbs...we got a 4 lane road that winds 40 miles out of its way...and its a 2 lane road each way...and thats bypass...

We want stuff like bridges and paved highways too. And toilets that flush on the "highway"...and a Mickey Ds!

You guys have a way head start on us...all i want is to catch up...

But hey, Being a pig is cool as long as you are the only pig in the barn :)



New member
Why? because you cant answer it? Because like we deserve less up here because we are late to the trough?

The answer is simple; graft, corruption and waste are wrong.

Getting to the trough late is not an impediment if you equate morality to achieving financial parity with other states.


The answer is simple; graft, corruption and waste are wrong.

Good. Give it all back then.

Or pack it up and send it up here.

Reformed smokers are the worst:)


PS...never ever been an allegation that the Gravina brdge was as a result of corruption, so evidently ya got a Freudian guilt problem eh?:D


Interesting how not only the vast majority of Americans disagree with the Alaskans on this thread about the bridge to the island with a population of 50, so do the majority of Alaskans, apparently:

If you want a bunch of stuff to play catchup, would that $315 be better spent for about a thousand different things up there? Things you might actually use, like things in the larger cities, be it roads, bridges, or anything?

And c'mon, EVERYONE dubs it the bridge to nowhere - not like that is something new. Defending that fiasco puts you in about as small of a minority as the holocaust-deniers.
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