Sen. Kerrey called 'cripple' by Gore's supporters


New member
Copied from the Washington Post: During the Viet Nam War, Bob Kerrey - a Navy SEAL - lost part of his leg and won the Medal of Honor. A Democratic Senator from Nebraska, Kerrey supports Bill Bradley for President. While campaigning for Bradley on the weekend before the New Hampshire primary, Kerrey was - in the words of The Wall Street Journal - "derided and called 'a cripple' by some of Gore's supporters." Kerrey took the taunts with grace, and responded with devastating wit. He told reporters he is a cripple, and the description was "the only honest thing" the Gore camp had "said all day."


New member
I live close enough to NE to be able to listen in on a couple of different radio talk stations. There was a lot of talk about if these were real Algore supporters or some idiots just wanting to appear as such. Now I'm no Kerrey supporter but I've heard his story of how he was wounded, the man was a real hero in Viet Nam. Anyone who would call him a cripple like that is a chunk of the lowest form of s%@h^(i%#t. I just can't figure out why he has no regard for our RKBA.

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