Sen Hatch ADMITS shielding Reno during conf. hearings


New member
:mad: People of Utah, unite!!! Please rid us of the foul cancer that is Orrin Hatch!!!!! Please put pressure on the LDS leaders to force him to resign!!!!! :mad:


New member
It stinks, doesn't it?
Hatch was a solid conservative years ago; apparently he's been "clintoonized..."
He'd also like "W" to pardon the Arkanfurher... to which "W"'s said ( I paraphrase ) "Why? He hasn't been convicted of anything..." ( Nice twist of the knife! The next 4 years may be fun! )


New member
This is why we should be raising all kinds of he** about term limits and campaign finance reform. If the twenty second ammendment is good enough for the president then congress critters can and should be treated the same way. They may thing their indespencable but we all know differently.


New member
Traficant, who is pushing this story, may be the most honorable guy in the world, but he is also about to be indicted for numerous felonies (all of which may be unsupportable). He is therefore at least mildly biased against Reno who will be signing off on the indictments. And likewise Hatch who stands in the way of his attack on Reno. RKBA does not depend on Traficant beating his indictments.

John Marshall

New member

You're absolutely right, as long as that campaign finance reform doesn't turn into the nearly complete suspension of the First Amendment during each election cycle as some of the extant proposals seem to advocate.


New member
It isn't about right wing, left wing, or right down the middle. It's about compromising the position you have been intrusted with as an elected official.


New member
I suspect Hatch is just sending a public message to Freeh that he's on his own if he unleashes the FBI dogs on Reno/Gore/Clinton after Jan 20th. There's been bad blood between FBI and Justice all through the Clinton administration. It makes sense that W would keep Freeh as FBI director and set him against R/G/C, while staying back from the fracas. Personally, I hope they all fall, but I ain't holding my breath. Reno seems to be to Clinton, what Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme is to Charles Manson.

"Traficant, who is pushing this story, may be the most honorable guy in the world"

Traficant is a sleazeball bought and paid for with mob dollars. His fight is a 100% personal one with Reno. It boils down to sleaze Reno/Clinton/Gore style to sleaze Traficant style. He's a gutsy sleaze, but still a sleaze. This fight between Reno and Traficant is like a fight between a couple of junk yard dogs. Watch it and cheer on Traficant, but don't rush to hug him after he wins.

[Edited by RAE on 01-10-2001 at 05:39 AM]