Sen. Cruz challenges V.P. Biden to gun debate

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New member
Just read this and thought it would be worth a share.

It looks like Senator Cruz is calling Biden out on his whole "two barrels in the air" thing. He has invited the president to an hour long debate on how to reduce crime. He's stated "If Vice President Biden really believes the facts are on his side and this is not an exercise in political power, I would think he would welcome the opportunity to talk about the sources of violent crime and how we can do everything we can to stop it,”.

Just by reading the comments section, this has made a lot of people upset. I hope he handles this with some class. I have grown to like Senator Cruz because of his fights for second amendment rights. It mentions that he is a college champion debater. I hope he can handle this in a way that would win a reasonable person's respect because the last thing we need is another reason for somebody to try to make us look bad. All in all, I'm not sure what I think of the news. Opinions?


New member
Senator Cruz would wipe the floor with Biden, but he would do it with much more class than Biden himself would have in the debate. Cruz would listen to Biden's points and then address them, Biden would snicker and laugh while Cruz would try to speak and then go off on an unrelated tangent after he cuts Ted off.


New member
Using Hilary's quote "what difference does it make?" if Cruz is playing to his base or not. Cruz has good points with real solutions to address the root cause of gun violence. Biden is a wingnut career politician and brings no effective solutions, only political feel good talking points. For shear entertainment though I love to watch Biden speak. He's so good at inserting foot in mouth.


New member

For the pro-gun audience, rookie-Cruz would seem like a good bet, but I'll take the veteran-Biden in a political debate. Cruz has his shares of foot-in-mouth syndrome and been shot down by his own political party multiple times.
Cruz has argued in front of the Supreme Court multiple times. Biden generates a gaffe-a-day with blatantly slanted press coverage. It would be the debate equivalent of Randy Couture vs. a local middle school playground bully.

Alabama Shooter

New member
No way Biden could even come close to a positive outcome. He will avoid this like the plague if his people have anything to say about it. Although if it did happen, wow the cannon fodder from that would be amazing.


New member
Bartholomew Roberts said:
Cruz has argued in front of the Supreme Court multiple times. Biden generates a gaffe-a-day with blatantly slanted press coverage. It would be the debate equivalent of Randy Couture vs. a local middle school playground bully.

Biden's advantage would be the very low expectations he would inspire.


New member
I don't see it ending well at all.

VP Biden takes well to the bully pulpit, and would merely take potshots at Sen. Cruz's talking points and resort to a lot of emotional appeals and the ever popular "What do you need 30 rounds for?"

It might make for some feel good moments, but I don't see it doing much good.

Now, if we got Emily Miller up there, that would might make us some headway.


New member
Being 'shot down' by your own political party to me only means that you are an independent thinker and don't just parrot the party line. This is a big problem with Congress and why you see so many 55-0 Dem votes and 0-45 Rep votes. You can't tell me that these clever buggers can't craft legislation that garners a even a token amount of votes from the opposite side.

I also am more forgiving of 'rookie' missteps for a first time guy, 3 months into his job. Joe on the other hand has been a politician since 1973 when Cruz was only 3 years old. We are talking 40 years! Biden should know how to keep his foot out of his mouth but either he doesn't have a clue how he comes across or doesn't give a darn.

Another interesting tidbit is to see how stingy Biden is with his own earnings (I.e., charitable giving) and how freely he's willing to spend OUR money (crazy trips to lavish hotels, supporting more government spending, raising taxes...). I wouldn't mind paying more taxes after I know they are spending my money wisely. So far I don't see too much effort to eliminate waste and improve government efficiency.


New member
Cruz has his shares of foot-in-mouth syndrome and been shot down by his own political party multiple times.

If "by his own party" you mean the establishment republicans, that is the badge of honer that gives him credibility. An establishment republican is just a democrat without a spine and they hate conservatives more that the liberal dems do. I love to hear Cruz speak because he is a true unapolgetic fearless conservative who does not kiss the republican party's rear end to "win elections".

I'd watch this on pay ver view! Biden is an obnoxious bore and is a horrible debater when he is faced with a REAL opponent. Cruz comes across as brilliant and unshakeable, and UNINTIMIDATED by senior politicians.


New member
It appears that the new and young blood reps for the Republican party are the ones that are putting some steel back into the spines of the Republicans (If they had it in the first place).

Frankly, I welcome both Senator Ted Cruz's and Rand Pauls blunt and un-apologetic methods. They are willing to play the hard ball tactics that most "veteran" Republicans are, apparently, incapable/unwilling to use.

We need more like them, it's about time the Republicans actually had some bite to their bark IMHO.

Evan Thomas

New member
Since this has turned into a discussion of party politics, without reference to Second Amendment issues, it's off-topic here... so, closed.
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