Semi-auto shotgun


New member
I seen this one particular gun one day at the outdoor range. A couple of guys had a shot gunthat took a magazine and was semi-auto. I believe it held atleast six rounds. Great PD shot gun IMHO atleast. Not sure what it was. I couldn't read the markings because it was all in Russian. They weren't sure either because all they told me was it was a Russian gun. It was a 20 gauge. Something I think I could get behind. (HAHA get it?:)) If anyone has an idea let me know please.


New member
that looks like it. Thanks a lot! Do you know anything more about it? Are they worth it to buy something like that?


New member
Do you expect to be attacked by several armed men without anytime to reload a normal double barrel? That being said I'd still want a semi-automatic shotgun.


New member
Try a search on the internet for atlantic firearms. They seem to have a lot of the eastern block firearms. Seen som siaga's in there a while back.


New member
Fred Thompson 2008

Better get one before Hillary gets into office.
And I don't trust Gulliani either.

The saiga 12's go for 600,they used to go for 500,but for some reason the price shot up before I could get one,sigh...