Selling my 226 -- Mistake or Opportunity?


New member
Truth be told, I've never learned to shoot this gun straight. I'm always grouping to the left of the bullseye (which is probably my grip or trigger pull), and I don't have this problem with my 1911 (which I DO shoot straight).

Nonetheless, I'm having second thoughts about this (I've never sold a gun before, always a buy and holder), but I've verbally committed to my buddy that he can buy it.

Issue: Now that there's a void in my arsenal, what should I buy? Before I bought my Sig, I was kind of sweet on a 92FS (which has a heavier feel and which I was able to group pretty well), but the Sig buy just happened.

Any thoughts? Sorry for the rambling.


New member

I'm just throwing this out as an idea, but you've said that you are good with your 1911. Have you thought about getting a Browning Hi-Power?

The reason I'm suggesting this is that it sounds like you are not happy with double-action autos, but you would like a double-stack 9mm. With the BHP, you get the single action and you get a double-stack.


New member
If you're not happy w/ something...fix or replace it, life is too short ;) & there are just too many nice guns out there!
As for a replacement...go rent a few this time & get the one you shoot best. The 92fs is a personal favorite of mine, but the BHP is another alternative since you like the 1911 and check out the USP 9's...there are so many out there. Time to do some product research (a field study!)


New member
I had a beretta 92f inox once, I cannot shoot the double action part of it any good, no matter how I tried. It was hard letting go 'cause its just so pretty:D . But I finally made the decision and bought a Glock 23, ' never regreted it. I can shoot the Glock very well and Klinton mags for it is just so affordable ($16). I advice that you sell it and get something that you can shoot accurately. The process of selection is the fun part, it gives you an excuse to spend..not much guilty conscience :D . Good luck!


New member
"It was hard letting go 'cause its just so pretty . But I finally made the decision and bought a Glock 23"<p>

The decision must have been made even harder because the Glock is so spectacularly ugly.


New member
But it works for me! I reliazed I need to have function and accuracy not looks. Pretty guns don't mean nothin in combat/competition (IPSC). Perhaps, I already have a nicely done 1911 for looks.:D

J.R. Bob Dobbs

New member
If you're ALWAYS GROUPING to the left, perhaps you should drift your rear sight. About .02" drift will fix 5" windage at 25yds, IME.

george miller

New member
i have a beretta 92g has the heavier slide,skelatonized hammer and stainless barrel.i love this gun.just a step up from the 92fs.


New member
Selling guns is against my religion. I'd take that gun to the range and fire it from a rest. If it still groups to the left, have the sights aligned.



New member
I also always group to the left on my Beretta 92SB until I tried to shoot it from the bench. Magically, the sight aligned themselves and I put 3 rounds out of 5 into the orange spot at 7 yards.


New member
If you shoot other guns better and would feel better served by those guns, you should get those. In my case, SiGs and CZs fit me better than any other pistol, so that's what I buy. Some people are better (more comfortable, more accurate) with Berettas, H&Ks, Smiths, Rugers, Glocks, etc. There's no shame in that.


New member
I sense that you just need a reason to get yourself a new toy! :D

If you won't be taking such a big hit in parting with the SIG, then go for it! A lot of equally impressive guns out there for the taking!! :D:D:D

That said, check out the HK USP line. German quality I'm sure would be at par with the SIG!

So then you wont miss the 226 as much!!


New member
I did the opposite and traded my stainless Beretta 92FS for a SiG P220ST. Never could shoot the 92FS at all. I personally feel that the 226 is one of the finest 9mm made. However, shoot several pistols and buy one that really shoots well for you.


New member
" Don't keep what you can't shoot. Some guns weren't meant for some people."

So true. A Sig may be one of the finest production guns ever made but if you can't shoot it well then it is just wasted. It is like a grandma driving a Porche ;) Let it go and give someone else a try at that Sig.

Buy and try as many guns as it takes until you find the one that is right for you. Its only money:) I believe there is a gun out there for everyone, you just have to find it and then keep it!

I haven't found "the" gun yet but I have found some that suit me better than others. My Ruger P95 fits me much better than my Sig 220! I never even liked Rugers until this one. I had a P89 that was O.K. but this P95 is the best yet. My point is, you never know what you are going to like until you shoot it.


New member
I'd might be willing to take that bothersome, inaccurate piece of junk off your hands. Just let me know the condition and the price and I'll let ya know.

Ditto on the majority of the comments here. if it don't work for you, find something that does.


New member
I had the same problem with my P7. Great gun, just couldn't shoot it well. Sold it and used the money to buy another gun (in a respectable caliber :D ) that I can shoot well.

I'm a shooter, not a collector and I don't regret my decision at all.


New member
I'll cast another vote for the Hi-Power, I carry one daily. I'm not a Sig fan either, and I've had three or four.

I've never bought into the idea that you should never sell weapons, I've owned maybe 25-30 handguns but currently, only two. I learned what works for me. I think they're to be shot and carried and what doesn't work is a waste of time, and maybe a risk. Let the Sig go and don't look back.


New member
Every SIG I have owned shot left of center for me out of the box.

Now that I think of it, so have many others. I just figured it was me.

Drifting the sight (as previously mentioned) is the cure.

If I wasn't so enamored with SIG's, my next choice would be a Beretta.