Sell my Kahr P380 to fund PM9/CM9?


New member
I've had my P380 for over a year or so now and absolutely love it. However, I'm not a huge fan of the .380 mainly due to price and availabilty. At the time I purchased it, the options for pocket 9mm's were slim. So I am considering a PM9 or CM9.

I have no concerns about stopping power or turning this into a .380 vs
9mm "which is better" thread. That said, it would be nice to consolidate calibers, and I do have other 9mm's but no other .380's

So ... do I sell a gun that I know works well, carrys well, and shoots well for a slightly larger (but still small) gun that I "think" I might like better, in a caliber that I prefer?

Any thoughts??


New member
i am 61 yrs old and had learned by the time i was 20 to NEVER, EVER, sell a gun.
my thoughts, bob noffs

and of course i learned the hard way.


New member
I'm not a huge fan of the 380 cartridge, but it certainly has its virtues.
I have a LCP and a PM9 - You will notice the difference between the 380 and the 9mm, not a lot, but you will.
In the dead of summer the little 380's ride real nice, rarely becoming irritating for me, the PM9 is managable but does get on my nerves after 3-5 hours in 4th of July heat.

I'd keep that perfect functioning 380 and add a CW9, use the difference between the CM9 and PM9 to buy a little stock of 380 ammo. :)


New member
It's funny... A lot of posters say "never sell or trade a gun."

Thing is, I really don't miss any of the guns I have sold or traded. Even the ones I still liked were used to obtain something I liked better.

In the OP's case, though, I think the size differential may be more than he realizes, and that the P380 may be enough more pocketable than the PM9 that he might kick himself later over this one.

Just something to consider - will the trade support intended use, or would saving up the money be more practical in the long run?


New member
I like the guns that are chambered in .380. The round itself is probably adequate for defense.

Even my CW9 gets a bit bulky at times, and it's nice to switch to a .380 for a change of pace.


New member
varoadking, I thought the same thing, as the P380 is one of Kahr's more recent additions to the line. Then, I thought maybe he was referring to what guns had been available at his LGS, as opposed to what existed but may not have been immediately attainable.


New member
varoadking, I thought the same thing, as the P380 is one of Kahr's more recent additions to the line. Then, I thought maybe he was referring to what guns had been available at his LGS, as opposed to what existed but may not have been immediately attainable.

That's partially true... cost was more of a factor when looking at the PM9, but the CM9 (cheaper version) had not been released until after I bought the P380.

Either way, some great points here! I definitely feel like I would have seller's remorse if I had to part with the P380.


New member
I have probably owned well over fifty handguns in my lifetime...truth be told, it wil be a good bit higher than that number. I can quote off-hand about 25 1911s and 20-ish S&W revolvers.

When I first got my CHL I was buying/trying/selling handguns at a rate of at least one per month for several years.

At the current time I own a few 1911s, a few S&W revolvers, a few Kahr pistols and an LCP.

Having owned two P3ATs (which were both crap), and two LCPs (which both worked/work fine but are not pleasant to shoot) if I were going to carry a .380 daily (given my experience with three Kahr pistols) the P380 would be my choice.

I will tell you this--I carry a 1911 every day. I tend to sell anything I do not carry or shoot regularly. My Kahr PM9 and P45 are not going anywhere. :)


New member
Kahrs are finicky. If you have one that works, hang on to it.

The P380, as noted, is maybe the nicest shooting pocket .380, at least for a polymer frame. Mine was a heartbreaker. You are very lucky to have one you can depend on.

The CM9 essentially duplicates the performance of the PM9 for much less, so if you go that way get the CM9. It's not that expensive, you don't have to trade the P380 to be able to afford a CM9 pretty soon.


I switched my primary carry gun a few years back. However, I kept my original carry gun and carry it occasionally when circumstances dictate.

deputy tom

New member
Sixer, I also think that you should keep the P380 and buy a 9mm of your choice.Pocket pistols that work well are hard to find and yours works.tom.:cool:


New member
Thanks for the advice guys... I'm fairly sure I will be hanging on to the P380. I will say that it WAS pretty finicky for the first 200+ rds. The occasional FTF or FTE... but I stuck with it and now feel confident in the gun.

I put another 50 rds down the pipe over the weekend with no issues at all. Normally I don't buy into the whole "break in" thing... but it has seemed to work in this case.

I do have a couple 9mm's that are suitable for carry (HK P7 and HK P2000sk) so I can probably hang in there and save up for a new gun without having to sell another one :)


New member
Sixer living in Texas you know how hot it can get. I've started training for a 10K bike ride for our Corparate Challenge, so I've been riding every morning, I don't have the P380 but I do have the Ruger LCP and I find that it fits nicely into the front pocket of my bike shorts. These little pocket pistols in 380 are great "get off me " guns and that's why I found this one after a couple of P3AT, and various other 380 pistols. Keep the P380, Ihave a Kahr CW40 that I'm not selling ever.

Remington 51

New member
I have a of the good ones. Although I rarely carry it, it does fulfill a niche formerly filled by the steel .25's and it is used in those situations where it is difficult to dress around the gun. And a good little Kahr is a far superior product to the LCP or KT in terms of accuracy and ease of shooting. So if yours is also a good one, I would consider keeping it if you can afford to.


New member
How do you like your H&K P2000 SK?

Love it! Possibly my new favorite gun. Just got it to the range last weekend and the thing is a tack driver. The SA trigger is great, short reset... I'll probably add night sights... but other than that, I'd have to say it's near perfect... If it held just a couple more rounds (10+1) I would have zero gripes. I previously had an M&P9c... basically the same size, but it held 12+1.

Just to stay on topic... I appreciate all of the input! Even though it was just a thought, I realized that my little P380 not only fills a niche, but I really like it! It's not going anywhere for a while. Thanks for bringing me to my senses :)