Select Fire DSA FAL


New member
I doubt its transferable to individuals. Most guns that arent, have a more realistic looking price tag.

If it were, you would have to pay the $200 tax on it.

If it is, its a steal or a trap, and probably a steel trap. :)

chris in va

New member
But still it's on their civillion website

Instead of trying to glean answers on here, why don't you just give them a call?

I can almost guarantee though you cannot buy one as a civillian as it's newer than 1986 and besides, most 'select fire' weapons of that type are well into the five digit figures.


New member
I don't think they have a military/police website.

It's definitely post '86.

Did DSA even exist then?


New member
All "NFA Registered" means is that when DSA manufactured it, they registered it. Same as any NFA manufacturer does with their products. The select fire version is a post-86 machinegun. They do have a fully transferrable M16 on their website for $14,000 if you are interested.


New member
There is no way for a private citizen other than a licensed manufacturer of NFA weapons to legally possess a post-'86 machinegun, period. A typographical error on a website doesn't negate Title 18 USC, section 922 (o), regardless of how unConstitutional said legislation is.
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