Seeing the forrest for the tree's


New member
To my fellow shooters,
I took a little more time than usual tonight to read more of our posts and I have begun to believe that a gulf exists between our 2nd amendment positions that will in the end benefit our enemies. While we talk of being unified, we are not. We quote history and saying's that the drafters of our constitution said and we pat ourselves on our eloquence and knowledge and most of us do nothing else. We talk continously of what "someone else, or some other organization should do"....the reality is most of us are not participating either economically or actively in any of these pro-2nd amend org.'s. If we are what are we actually accomplishing?---maybe a little grandstanding in some cases, the right to wear the camo. Heck Im as guilty as the next and it has to change.
Politically we are as fractured as any group could get....(the anti-2nd people have done a superb job of manipulating us and some of our political allies).
It really appears that we have the following players on the national scene....
Libertarian Party, reform party, republican party and the democratic party.
Reform party---they were actually able to win a governership under their own banner. That is as far as they've gone, and they did that in what 5 or 6 years now. As was pointed out in another post, that was a popular election, not an election through the electorial college.
Libertarian party---this is the party with the great sounding rhetoric, they've been a political party for 20+years, not a political player. They have one canidate on the national scene and he had to be elected as a republican, the canidate is Ron Paul. This party has never won anything nationally and if you go to their own web site and search for who has been elected and what position they hold it will be a surprise, I wont tell ya go look for your self.....I havent looked in a while but I doubt it has changed, if at all very little. Ask yourself how this party of no experience can run circles around the press and the established liberals?,,they cant even get elected (notice i didnt say viable), and as far as getting elected to the Presidency its done by electorial votes....which the electoral voters are elected by the controlling partys in the state they represent--do the libertaians control a state?. Is it right? I dont know I dont like it necessarily, but its the reality. They live to say things like "ill know that I have done the right thing", "I can look at my self in the mirror"----seems way to much like a martyr complex to me. They have an all or nothing view ....a favorite line is ...."they have both promisied gun control",, when refering to the democrats and republicans---failing or ignoring the fact that these two organizations are going to be the one's enacting legislation, good or bad. it wont be the libertarians. They like to smear both parties with the term republicrats or such I propose to call them liberformers as a tribute to both 3rd parties. They believe that compromise has placed us in the position we are today, so they use that as a basis for reasoning why they cant vote for a republican over a democrat.---cause there all the same....well if you truly believe that there is no reasoning with you. Oh yeah there is this one as well lets just vote for a libertarian and speed up our demise.....thats really well thought out tatics...
Republicans--these folks for the most part, havent gone to the wall for us like we want them too.....a lot of it is because clinton is doing much through executive orders and the press, neither of which they control---although you'd think they would be able to find a way to have supreme ct ruling on the type of executive orders being issued. Remember when your talking about the established (read that viable, or in power if you like), they, the congress is in two parts, the house who started out well and got there heads handed to em by the press their own senators and all of us complaining they werent doing enuf to impeach that durn scoundrel...they started with fire and had it put out...there own senate those entrenched slugs have handicapped and roadblocked most success they could have had. We cant trust lott, and the rest arent any better probably....We most likely would have liked the expressed libertarian view of the constitution and for these folks to follow the constitution the way we interpret it...we cant count on that, it bites but we know we cant. Bottom line is they have been ineffective for the most part. Do I want to vote for them no, I want to tar and feather em and run em out of town on a rail.
Democrats----if you dont know I cant tell you.
We know that we have a chance of a supreme ct., decision coming our way slowly but its coming our way with the ct cases that are out there,,,the doctor in tx and the case in calif were the 2nd was ruled a states right not an individual....Does anyone truly not think thats not our best shot to settle this situation once and for all? A favorite liberformer question is often "will they repulicrats roll back gun control?"....the answer is no, and its always no and will be no if a libertarian ever gets to that office as well---because the congress does not decide constitutionality--its done were?, thats right in the supreme ct., of the United States of America. Who elects supreme ct., nominess for the judge ship? Its the president, and who would pick the best canidate?...the libertarians want you to say them, but how do we know they have never won on the national level were there track record can be evaluated, besides its a moot point they wont be elected to the presidency. I feel so confident on that issue that I'll make one of you libertarians an offer, I want another m1a springfield, if one of you will accept the conditions that if your libertarian canidate dosent win the presidency you'll buy me a new m1a springfield and I'll make the same condition to you, if your libertarian canidate wins the presidency Ill buy you a new M1a springfield, thats for this coming election. Any Takers????
Well that leaves us the powers that have been in control the republicans and the durn democrats,,,,who do you think will pick a better supreme ct judge? There are supposed to be at least 3 possible opening's for the next president to fill...the supreme ct only has 9 judges, that 1/3 of the bench...and they'll be in power for what 20+ years.... Oh here's were the line becomes "their all the same",sure they are. Do I Like the republicans, not in the least. I want a chance to win, I dont want to do what was done before with a protest vote by the liberformers which was to put in that despicable sob...clinton., The forrest for the trees, our best shot is to win in the court room,....if we loose then I need to change countrys.......If you were a democrat what better situation could you have, then to fracture your opponents base....we the pro-2nd amendment people put clintons congress out of power, and he is a vindictive sob, he has not forgotten and attacks us constantly, lets dont let the ba&tard's win again. Its a shame duelling is out of favor we had a much more interesting politicians back then....fubsy.


Moderator Emeritus
Ahhhh...fubs,when you get amped, there is always a golden nugget in your your fubsy way, you noted a fundamental lacking in our society..bless ya fubs
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Its a shame duelling is out of favor
we had a much more interesting politicians back then....fubsy.[/quote]

Honor is worth the risk of dying for...when there is no honor, we have who we have now.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
Thankyou DC, and you are correct on the honor, its a shame we dont cherish it any more. Respect those who keep it....
I didnt write to enflame anyone or any party, they all have their failings and none are perfect for our position. We cant afford the luxury of being wrong. I apologize for the disjointed way in which its written.
I think Im like everyone else Im just tired of the whole mess. Im still not ready to quit and Im not ready to opt out, but i am disgusted with our situation and our choices and our responses.
I know of only one solution and I dont like it either.