Seecamp or NAA?

Shadi Khalil

New member
Hello all,

I recently have gotten back into the gun game. I got my first new gun in a couple of years the other day and now i feel like I want to get another. I guess its starting again, I'd be a fool to try and stop myself...

So, I would like a pocket auto. I already have a 342 (j-frame) revolver for pocket carry but I think I would like something in a different caliber, another round or two never hurts either.

So here are my questions, as far as Seecamps go, how do I get one? Are they still in production? If so, is there a waiting list of some sort? What calibers are available for the Seecamp? I would like a .380 but I think i could live with a .32.....How much do one of those cost?

I know the NAA is available in .380 and I have handled one and pulled the trigger. I love the weight of the gun adn the feel of the grip.....

Are these guns tip up barrel pistols?

thanks in advance guys...


New member
No they aren't tip up barrel, you're thinking of the Berretas. Both the Seecamp and the Guardians are fine pistols. Both guns in 380's are getting hard to locate, Seecamp due to low production numbers and Guardian due to a falling out with Kahr and switching to a new supplier of parts. I myself prefer the Guardian over the Seecamp because of the slightly larger size and weight, mags are available with finger extensions, they are not picky on ammo like the Seecamp, more accessories are available for the Guardians, custom shop offers gutter sniping and other options, plus the Guardians cost about 1/2 as much. Both guns are usually 100% reliable if the Seecamp is fed the proper ammo. Most Seecamp owners bragg about it being smaller and lighter than the Guardians, but it is these features that I chose the Guardian over the Seecamp as the increased size and weight make shooting much more accurate, especially with SD rounds. What good is the small size if you can't shoot it and actually hit your target. Both are fine weapons and both of my Guardians have been 100% reliable. There is another thread running right now on these guns I suggest you read it.


New member
The question you should be asking is "Is the Guardian in production?"

NAA has their own forum, and this issue has been discussed many times. The last I heard the new 380's should be coming out soon. However if you do some research there is very little difference between the 380 and the 32 when fired out of such a short barrel.

Shadi Khalil

New member

The weight is also what attracts me to the NAA gaurd, i just feels great in my hand. If the 380 and 32 are so similar balistically, then i guess it comes down to which is more available and affordable? I fugure that would be the .380....

Shadi Khalil

New member

I saw a pic someone on the fourm had posted. it was one each, a NAA .32 and a .380, the 380 looked a good bit bigger. When i was looking at the pic I wasent sure if it was the angling from the camera or just the actual size difference.


New member
I just picked up a NAA Guardian .32acp yesterday. I haven't shot it yet. I picked it up for $300 NIB at the gunshow. It is a well made, quality pistol.


New member
I just picked up this last week a Seecamp 32 for below $400 NIB and love it. Ammo is a little expensive compared to some but bought a quanity on line which should be here shortly. It's quality is top shelf.

Went with the recommendation from several here at this forum. Check out the Seecamp website and forum.... those guys are true fans.


New member
Teifman, it has been cold and wet weather here for a while, but as soon as there is a sunny day, I'm going to shoot some rounds through it. I bought 100 rounds of 60gr Winchester silver tip to the tune of $33 a box.:eek: It will be an expensive shooting session.
If you can afford it and can find one, always go with the Seecamp...otherwise the NAA is a good second choice.

I would have no problem settling for a .32acp version of the Seecamp (I own both .32 and .380) since I feel the .32acp is a very proven up cloase and personal round. Plus, you can get off accurate follow up shots very quickly.

Only when you are comparing the .32acp versions do the Seecamp and NAA seem similar. They are pretty close in size and both are pretty well made (I would give the Seecamp an A+ and the NAA a soldid B+/A- build wise) but the NAA is a lot heavier.

When you get up to the .380 they do not even fall into the same class anymore. Both are great but the Seecamp retains it's small size and the NAA gets more along the lines of being comparable to a Beretta Tomcat and not the Seecamp.


New member
eeeee gads man!

thats alot of money for a little ammo.

That's what I said. Maybe the Winchester Silver Tips are made out of platinum.:D Seriously though, I knew that .32acp ammo was spendy. I cost me a lot of money to feed my old Beretta 3032 Inox Tomcat. The Guardian is not a range gun. I will shoot it now and again after the initial few hundred rounds. It will be an expensive break in period.:(


New member
Here's a relative size comparison between three of my smallest pistols (teifmen1948, since you have a J-Frame, it will give you an idea how it compares to a Seecamp sized pistol). The pic shows a S&W 442, a G26 and a NAA .32 Guardian (just a little bit bigger than a Seecamp .32):



New member
Here is the pic you were reffering to:


I own both of these and yes the 380 is a larger gun, as it should be. As you can see by the above posts many want the smallest possible guns in the largest possible calibers to fit into their pocket, while the same folks talk about how much they love a S&W N frame because the extra size and weight help control recoil. Sorry folks but the same applies on any firearm. Now you can get to large where a firearm doesn't conceal well in a pocket, such as my Sig P232, which I believe is one of the best 380's ever made, but it simply doesn't conceal well in my pocket of my jeans. The size difference between the Guardian and Seecamp in 380 does nothing to hinder concealability, if you can't conceal the 380 Guardian you need some different jeans and a decent holster. As I have said time and time again the extra weight and size help to control recoil. I have shot Silvertips through a Seecamp and I truly missed the added weight and size and I for sure missed the finger extension on the mag. This was a huge factor for me as I have decent sized hands. I surely wouldn't want to shoot the Corbon DPX rounds out of the Seecamp, although I'm not sure they are approved for use in it anyway. When buying a pocket gun I don't consider the smaller the better, look at the problems they are having with the R9's, this is because you can get to small and to large of a caliber in a pocket gun, when this happens failures are going to happen. You won't find these guns for rent and any range, but if there is anyway you can shoot them prior to purchase I suggest you do. If anybody lives close to me feel free to shoot either of my Guardians. I also am not saying the Seecamp isn't a fine weapon because it is. I just get tired of folks creating negatives regarding the Guardians when many of us consider them positives. I also don't see a $400-$500 difference between the two guns, but I also don't understand a Python selling for over a grand either so we won't go there. What ever pocket gun you end up with please make sure you select a good holster for proper saftey. If I can help answer any ? Just PM me.