Security for my go-to handgun?


New member
I've been using the GunVault for several years and have thought of it as a balance between accessibility and security (since I often have young grandkids at the house). I keep it bolted onto a fixed shelf in my dresser. I have always assumed that it is relatively secure, never having tried to actually force it open. I have, unfortunately, a troubled teenager in the house that I would never allow unfettered gun access and have assumed that he also could not easily force open this gun safe. Has anyone out there ever tested the security of the GunVault, i.e., tried to force it open with a heavy screwdriver, claw hammer or pry bar? Reading a thread on another gun related website I was impressed with the Ft. Knox safe, especially in the way the lid overlaps the container and thus is more resident to attempts to force it open. Any thoughts on this?


New member
I have a knock off gunvault, and I mounted it to studs in the bedroom wall. I have no doubt that with a good hammer and pry bar I could get it open. A grinder would do the job in about five minutes as well, and I'm sure a sledge hammer would have no problem getting it off the wall.

That said, it would take a while and make a lot of noise. I think this would just make it something that a smash and grabber would pass over. If someone had the time to sit in my house and not worry about the noise, it would not protect very long. I would not trust it to keep out a troubled teen left home alone.


New member
I use a V-Line cabinet that I mounted into the wall. It seems like a more secure method than my old drawer-sized safe. I think any gun cabinet that's easy to open will be a compromise as far as security goes, so I only keep my home defense guns in there. I think the right powertools or a sledgehammer could get mine open in a few minutes, but it feels like it would take a lot more than a screwdriver.

Part of the issue with me was finding one that didn't need batteries, yet opened without a key. We all find security methods that are "good enough", but I doubt there's such thing as an absolutely secure safe that opens in a flash.