Secret Service Job Openings


New member
A viewer on CNN tonight observed that no matter who wins the election, there are going to be a lot of job openings with the Secret Service. No one would be willing to take a bullet for either of these bozos.

Dave R

New member
I would bet dollars to doughnuts that there would be MORE SS openings if Gore steals it. SS is human. They've suffered under Klinton for 8 years. They see what' Gore's doing to their brethren in the Military.


New member
One of the kids I grew up with from the old neighborhood, a few years younger than myself, is currently in the SS assigned to the White House. Not Presidential detail though, just White House security. The stories he could tell (if he were allowed to! ;) ) would be verrrrrry interesting. He's only been in the SS for a little over a year.