Secret Service Disarms Audience at Utah GOP Audience - Washington Post


New member
I couldn't find an Internet link from the Washington Post for the article.

Reprinted from the Washington Post, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2001 at A4:

Bowing to Secret Service requests, Utah Republicans checked their weapons at the door today to listen to Vice President Cheney discuss the administration's plans for missle defense and increased military spending.

Two knives and 25 guns and ammunition clips, brought to a state party convention by Utah residents with concealed-weapon permits, were stored in lockers outside the hall.

Gun owners had complained following Secret Service suggestions that people licensed to carry concealed weapons leave them in their cars while the vice president addressed the convention. The Utah Gun Owners Alliance urged members to picket the convention with signs including "GOP Dosen't Mean Gun Owners Prohibited."

Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff paid for the lockers out of campaign funds as a way to disfuse the controversy.


New member
The event also made the news on CNN Headline news. It was only on for about 15 seconds, but at least there wasn't an anti-gun slant to it.


New member
Good news is the USSS compromised with the locals on how to disarm for the benefit of Cheney.

Now let's find out why that same USSS permited radicals to attend a campaign event with Mrs. Bush in attendance. Now if the USSS is tasked to provide body protection to its assignees, why were the radicals not disarmed in Texas during the campaign but the supporters of Cheney after the electrion were disarmed.

I am not in favor of arms around Cheney or Bush or their respective wives. I am really interested in consistency and finding out why the same organization swung both ways.


New member
I read the same report in my local rag. It was an AP story.
The reporter went on to tell how one indivual was out side reloading his 45 cal. revolver after the VP left. Article was 20 % about what the VP had to say and 80% about the gun toting Republicans.