Secret revealed


New member
It's been a while since I paid a visit to TFL, I left (for good I thought) right before the elections, all the politcal threads drove me nuts!

I'll start with this, my girlfriend of three months had no idea I own firearms. It's not something I tell anyone usually. Not even my gun nut co-workers. I usually avoid the question or lie about it and say "no". I don't trust anyone, call me paranoid.

So here's the story...

I get talked into finally meeting her parents... which live 2 hours away, after 10 hours of work and on a day I had TB Rays tickets!!!

So we're driving, all is well. We plan on meeting her parents at a restaurant by their house. We finally make it there and when I get out the car I stretch, and walk to her parents cars to great them. The girlfriend is in front of me and hugs them both, I extend my hand to her father, we shake hands. I hug the mother and immediately I notice they are both staring at my arms and probably forming ideas as to my personality or lifestyle since my arms are completely covered in tattoo's.

We walk towards the restaurant and I (being the gentleman I am) take the lead to open the door for the family. I open the door and all I hear is "***" from the father. Took me a minute and my girlfriend pulled my shirt over my 8045 Cougar which was on my back in a IWB holster. She played it so smooth for someone who had no idea, and I love her for it. Normally a girl would of flipped out!

So, as you may guess... The gun dominated the conversation that evening. Her father owns guns but does not carry. He is a Vietnam vet (medic for the Army) who served two full tours and a partial.

I think I made a buddy that night, we're already planning the first family get together at the Dade city outdoor shooting range!

So there you have it, the awkward story of the day!

Anyone else have this happen to them? (the gun being shown by accident)


New member
Gf knows I carry, but her parents are ultra left wing liberals. Her grandfather is a gun nut on the other hand, so her dad hates that I carry, but grandad loves me.


New member
Hey BC, nice choice for a carry piece. I love mine even though I'm a 1911 kinda guy. Do you know anywhere to get decent after market mags. Beretta mags are a little pricey IIRC from when I purchased extras early on.


New member
We always shoot during holiday family get-togethers. My daughter once brought a boy over to one such get-together who didn't like guns, though he had shot a .22 cal before, but it bruised him. Aside from the point he looked like Screech on "Saved by the Bell", everyone in the family called him wanker and it wasn't long before she did too.:rolleyes:


New member
I conceal my .45 Colt Model 1870. Doesn't work too well...:D

I've heard stories of people who carry that have girlfriends be in close contact with them, and feel a peculiar chunk of steel and polymer strapped to their waist.

Sometimes they embrace it, and sometimes they're anti's that freak out.

Just be glad that your girlfriends parents are open minded. They could just as easily be parochial, single-minded people who are afraid of anything that could possibly hurt someone.

That's a keeper set of in-laws! Best of luck to you.


New member
right before the elections, all the politcal threads drove me nuts!

same here brother.

only just now started to come back to help out some folks in the C&R section on how to get their FFL's or where to send them , etc...

glad everything went well with the GF and family.

my wife is german and when we got married we lived in germany and her and her family are very left wing (like a lot of europeans). When we got back state side and i got my guns (over 30 at that time) she flipped and wanted them destroyed, sold, whatever to get them out of the house.

at that point I told her the guns stay, but she can leave anytime she wants. She stayed, but was always ******. After I took her to the range and let her shoot (and she did really well on some of my small bore pistols and rifles), then did she get interested in guns.

I gave her the safety lessons ( I was a hunters safety instructor and NRA certified range officer before I was in the military) and took her hunting and when she killed her first deer she was psyched! (still trying to get her over the girly attitude of field dressing and butchering.

anyway, glad all went well with the GF.



New member

she didn't ever ask you "is that a gun in your pocket, or are you pleased to see me?" :D

Good story, great it worked out :D