Second review of SR9


New member
Last week I wrote a review of my new SR9 and if you remember I quite disappointed with it. Well I'm happy to say that after a good cleaning and a little polishing of the feed ramp everything went well. Took it out to the range today and fired 50 rds. of Remington FMJ 115Gr. and 50 rds. of Winchester FMJ 115 gr. and not one one failure to eject. If you remember my last post on the SR9 I had about 20 FTE's ,well today was perfect. I also fired 20 rds. of Winchester SXT 147gr. hollow points ( my other 9's like that brand) and also not one problem. I also left the magazines loade for a week between range trips and it sure did make it easier to load fresh ammo in the mags. Now that i have 220 rds. through it the trigger feels great IMHO. Glad to have it in my colllection .

David the Gnome

New member
Glad to hear the teething problems went away. There's a very good chance that the Ruger SR9 will be the next addition to my collection.


New member

I too toyed with an interest in the compact model, but I found that the full-size gun carries and conceals and shoots so well, I could see no great advantage in having a smaller version. But who knows....



New member
Hey Boarhunter, I've got some friends and relatives that live in Huntsville. Ever been to the Benchwarmer? If so say hi to Butch from canton, he'll know who it is. 3 of my relatives are cops down there. Also was in Viet Nam with a guy from Huntsville everytime I go down there we get together.


New member
Yes, I have been to the Benchwarmer. Likely everyone from Huntsville has at one time or another! I will pass the message along next time I stop in.

My guess is that we may have more ties than just the Benchwarmer. My law firm serves as outside legal counsel for the city of Huntsville, and the bulk of my time is spend defending HPD officers in civil liability lawsuits (and I have been doing so for the last 20 years). So, your relatives likely know of us (Fees & Burgess), and we likely know of them (particularly if they have been sued!). Care to send me their names (by separate e-mail, if you prefer).


Ps: By the way, Huntsville lost one of its officers to a drunk on Friday night. A three-year veteran with 5 children was working a routine traffic accident in South Huntsville. When he attempted to arrest the drunk for DUI, the drunk (without warning or provocation) shot our officer in the forehead with a .22 pistol. Horrible, horrible tragedy.


New member
I don't have an sr9 but my p95 and my p345 both needed a break in period before they ran like they were suppose to.

I love rugers but they're not perfect out of the box


New member

timipierce: good choice. "DBski": sir; good report. Between you 'timipierce', 'boarhunter' some mighty fine reviews should be coming:)
I have followed the SR9 since the beginning; read 2,500 ,3,500, 1,200, 10,000 reports from just folks like us. Biggest thing happened "trigger" improves after about 400rds.:)
Very few mess ups.
I hope to follow along with you.:)

Jack Bauer

New member
Just put 200 rounds through my SR9 yesterday with no bobbles at all, and it shoots POA for me at 10-yards. I couldn't be happier. And the trigger isn't bad, either!


New member
What did you pay for the SR9? I've seen reports on TFL that some have sold for as little as $385. That seems like a deal.


New member

I purchased mine a about 12 days ago for $430. I think that was a good deal for the gun I got.


A Moment of Stunned Silence

Boarhunter, your p.s. saddened me deeply. Will you email me if there is somewhere to send a small donation to the officer's family or local PBA?

Crazy world.

If they make the SR in .40 with that black stainless slide, I'm there, first in line, behind my wife. Glad to hear it worked our for you!


New member Memorial.htm

Sgt. Fathead,

I appreciate your understanding and sympathy.

Huntsville, Alabama, has been hit particularly hard in recent times. Two years ago last August, another one of our young officers was ambushed and murdered by an illegal alien while answering a routine domestic call at a Hispanic grocery store/restaurant. Before that, Huntsville had enjoyed approximately 36 years without an officer fatality in the line of duty.

But I fear that times are changing here and in other places. And not for the better.

Following the officer death two years ago, a grass-roots committee of the police department decided to build a Memorial in honor of those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice and came to me for assistance and support. I am a lawyer, and the bulk of my professional practice over the last 20 years has been in the defense of the city of Huntsville and its officers in police civil liability lawsuits. (Little did we suspect that another loss would come so soon.) My buddies are not buddies are police and military.

So we created the Huntsville Police Citizens Foundation (website address above) to accumulate money for the construction of a Fallen Officer Memorial and to serve as a "safety net" for the families of fallen officers. That Foundation is up and running and seeking support.

Fortunately for the family of the recent officer lost, the community has dug deep and contributed well to their financial needs. And at least at this point, the safety net of the Foundation is not needed for them. So it continues in its effort to construct the Memorial.

This explanation is not a solicitation of money (though obviously none will be turned down!). I send it to express appreciation for your sympathy and to let you know you are not alone.

Our police officers (and those LEOs of all communities) quietly serve so that our safety is assured. Much as you did in your military service.

There are many of us who appreciate that service.

Michael L. Fees
213 Green Street
Huntsville, Alabama 35801
Telephone Number: (256) 536-0095
Facsimile Number: (256) 536-4440
E-mail Address:


Many Thanks!

Boarhunter, many thanks for the info. Here in the Northeast we suffer this egregious happening all too often. A dear friend and former high school classmate of mine suffered this same fate in 1999, gone too soon, another good man cut down by cowardice.

We now return you to the previously addressed post, The SR9.