Seating 7.62x45 with 7.62x39 die


New member
Will it work?

I got myself a Vz52, and am ready to hand load for it. Dies cost a small fortune. I reckon I will need a sizing die. But for bullet seating I hope I can reuse my 7.62x39 seating die. Doing so could save me a small sum.

Thanks for your help in advance.



New member
I do not load either of those rounds but it has been my experience that:

a) quite often, this works VERY well
b) simply cannot see much, if any risk in trying

I have re-purposed many dies and compared to the real experimenting types... I am a lightweight. I see no reason whatsoever that you shouldn't jump in to that with both feet and see what you see! :cool:


New member
There is risk. Buying both sizing and seating dies as a set costs less than buying them individually. If it doesn't work I will end up paying even more.

Based on the dimensions and drawings, it should work. But it would be better if I can confirm it with folks here.



New member
I certainly think is would work. I have done so with 308 seating dies and .30-06 rounds. I think screwing out the die body and raising the seating plug would get you enough room to get the length you need.

For that fact, I would think you would be able to seat the bullet with a hunk of wood and a mallet if you could be precise enough with depth..............


New member
Where are you buying your dies? Here in the USA you can get a Lee Die set for under $30.00 US. One issue that may come up is that you will not be able to crimp the bullet should that be necessary. This wider 45 (308) may not fit into the 39 die - check first. The 54 (7.62x54R) should fit.


New member
I don't think Lee is making that die set any more. It was a special run. They still take special order but will have $100 set up charge. A group buy may work.

Other than that, rcbs and ch4d are still making the die. Rcbs must be a set for $150, and ch4d has sizer for $80.



New member
You might find the blackout bullets to be loose in the 7.62x39 seating die. While both calibers are designated "7.62 mm", the bullets are NOT the same size.


New member
I read that thread before. I'm not sure how good a job a 7.62x39 sizing die can form a 7.62x45 though. They have different shoulder angles and tapers. I guess they just keep squeezing the case till it chamber, fire form, and neck sizing afterwards. I don't quite like this approach, especially for a semi auto. I would rather pay for a real sizing die and do it right.

Reading the thread again makes me realize that they must be using 7.62x39 seating die to seat the bullets. That's what I need to know. Thanks.
