Season prep.


New member
Went to the home range today with my 9 year old daughter to have her spend some time with her Savage .22. I decided to take out my 25-06 to do a preseason check. Looks like it will be adequate but I will recheck a couple days before the deer season opens. Daughter had a grand time and went through a brick of ammo.

Was going to post pic of target, but cannot get it uploaded here.


New member
Ain't it fun to take a kid to the range!:) My kids dig it. I also spent last weekend at the local range with four of my kids,(the very same four who will be deer hunting with me) and I too went to see how my rifle COLDBORE shot. Very good results I might add, except for all the targets got mixed up, ( because they shared targets and then argued who hit the bullseye) hehehe:rolleyes: