Sean Penn


New member
To be honest, I just caught the tail-end of a story on the News last night: It seems that Sean Penn, an actor whose work I enjoy, is going for the slot that "Hanoi Jane" semi-vacated....Sean Penn travelled to Iraq recently and decided that we(the U.S.A.)have no reason or right to declare war on Iraq.:confused: I don't know how he has determined that Hussein and his Kinfolk have not or will not try to wipe us out with Nukes, Bio, whatever.

As with Ms. Fonda, we Americans are lucky to have the freedom to our own views, but to ridicule his own country and put the Iraqis, along with Saddam, ahead of us, well:barf:
I care enough to approach Sean with a camera. I'll "pop" a flash on him and then take a "pop" from him and drop like a rock screaming! Owwwwwwwwwwwww! Of course, my attorney will be contacting his attorney for an out of court settlement. :) In the meantime, I'll be selling my story to the National Enquirer. :D


New member
Sean Penn travelled to Iraq recently and decided that we(the U.S.A.)have no reason or right to declare war on Iraq.

So, you've decided that we DO have a right to declare war on Iraq for making weapons that many other countries (including ourselves) already have?

I don't know how he has determined that Hussein and his Kinfolk have not or will not try to wipe us out with Nukes, Bio, whatever.

I don't know how you have determined that Hussein and his Kinfolk have or will try to wipe us out with Nukes, Bio, whatever. Remember, the terrorists on the planes that crashed into the WTO weren't Iraqi's; they were Saudi's. (our friends).


New member
So, you've decided that we DO have a right to declare war on Iraq for making weapons that many other countries (including ourselves) already have?
We do have the right to resume hostilities with a country who violated the terms of the cease fire.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Definitely an L&P post. But as I sweep you all off to that other forum, may I say that Sean Penn has a looooong way to go before he commits the sins of Jane Fonda. Not even close.

Oh and BTW, this has been up on DrudgeReport for like three days already.:rolleyes:


New member
We do have the right to resume hostilities with a country who violated the terms of the cease fire.

No matter how rediculous the terms of the cease fire are? Who's flying and controlling who's airspace and shooting down planes?

Do you remember the treaty of Versailles? Maybe not. History has a wierd way of repeating itself. You have a beaten country sign a treaty which is so constricting and negative on the country and it's economy that they inevitably end up getting REALLY pissed off and with no other choice but to violate the treaty.


New member
Load of crap alert!

Iraq should have been done in a long time ago. The problem is all the bliss ninnies out there who keep on beating the anti-U.S. war drums. The bliss ninnies, the media, and some of their fellow earth muffins give them so mutch credibilty and attention some of these actor/whiners out there are coming off as legitimate to the young, dumb, and impressionable.

Iraq lost a war and is subject to the treaties that it agreed to.
Iraq is the country who attacked their neighbor Kuwait and had to be reigned in by the U.S. and other countries through use of force. I guess some people out there have forgotten these little facts. Americans died fighting Iraqi!

They agreed to a no fly zone, not an anti aircraft target range with U.S. planes as targets.

Sadam should have been gone during Desert Storm but our spineless leaders are to busy listening to the bliss ninnes. Its bad press. I think sean pen should take a flying leap off of the first bridge he crosses over, preferably one thats at least five stories high.


New member
I guess some people out there have forgotten these little facts. Americans died fighting Iraqi!

Yes, very true. Americans DID die fighting Iraqi's over oil in Kuwait. Now, if Americans had died while fighting Iraqi's over American SOIL.......


New member
I read that crap yesterday also. I love how celebrities think people care what they think. It is the same with the letter all those idiots sent to Bush. :barf: :barf:


New member
If I were a celebrity, I would push the pro-freedom agenda. I wouldn't care if people thought my view was important or not. I'm not going to say whether or not I agree with Penn, but the simple fact that he was using his position of fame to voice his opinion is not a bad thing.

Bob Ellison

New member
It seems to me that all these actor type have no qualms about making movies filled with violence or war. But when the real thing comes along they opt out. Maybe we should start a production co. and go over and kick Saddam's a** under the pretext of making a movie. they will see it as make-believe and won't be so upset.;)


New member
I'm in the majority on this one

Bronco61: Before you start spewing venom on me, take a reality check: our Congress and President and a lot of U.N. folks feel the potential is good that this INSANE despot has plans to TRY and do some jmajor damage to the U.S.A. and/or allies. The tone of my first post is that Mr. Penn is siding with a culture that is based on ideologies that denigrate women, have no qualms about murdering daughters who have premarital sex, etc.

Whose side are you on?


New member
WOW! "Spewing Venom"? I know I asked you a few questions, but spewing venom? hmm

I'm sorry if my questions made you feel ill-at ease.
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