'Scuse me while I whip this out


New member
So I'm doing a favor for my first sergeant last night. She bought a toolbox at Sears and she couldn't fit it in her car. So, since I have a truck, she asked me for help (and promised me a box of ammo for the favor). So we went to Sears, went inside, picked up the toolbox, and loaded it in my truck. I followed her back to her house. While I was following her, I got a phone call that one of my soldiers might have been in an accident and was heading for the ER on post. So we got to her place, unloaded the toolbox, and called back for confirmation. It was correct, I had to head to the ER and meet my soldier there. So there I am, being told to head post haste onto Fort Hood, with my 1911 in its usual place at 4 o'clock. :eek: So I asked the first sergeant if she could do me a favor, she says sure. I unsnap the belt loops on my holster and my mag pouch, pull them both out, and say, "Can you keep an eye on these for me?" Army posts have such a problem with the thought of their soldiers carrying guns, so going on post as is wasn't an option. So I left them on a table in her foyer and hauled butt to post. Later in the evening, she calls my platoon sergeant. I was told that the conversation was sprinkled with comments like "And he just pulls this gun out of nowhere, and it was loaded and he had an extra mag and everything!" My platoon sergeant was rolling on the floor laughing during this portion of the conversation, by the way. He pointed out that she knows I have a CHL. She said, "Yeah, but all of the sudden he just hands me a gun out of nowhere and I had no idea he was carrying!" I picked it up on my way back home from the hospital later that evening. BTW, my soldier was fine, he was released two hours later.

So that was the highlight of my evening. We got a big kick out of it at the office this morning. On another note, I highly recommend the Colt Gunsite CCO carried in a Milt Sparks Versa-Max II. Even those who know you carry won't notice you have it on. :D

Marko Kloos

New member
Something about the notion of an active-duty soldier being shocked by a fellow soldier walking around with a loaded gun just rubs me all kinds of wrong...
Unfortunately, it doesn't shock me that much at all.

Not in today's military.

Other than the Marines, that is.

My boss was a major in armor in the Corps. As he said, that was my secondary duty description, every Marine is a rifleman first.


New member
I seem to remember hearing that some guards at a military base in California were releived of their M16's at gunpoint by some gang members. It seems that the higher authorities deemed it okay to issue them rifles but not ammunition to go with them. The gang members apparently figured out that they faced nothing more than harsh language and a fancy club (not a very good one either because M16's are light).


New member
SURPRISED ??? You must have been living on Mars .The REMFs who are clueless force people into dangerous situations. The Marines are no better. When the Marine barracks in Lebanon was blown up with terrible loss of life the sentries had NO ammo for their guns. This despite the fact that the US Embassy there had been blown up just 6 months before !!!:mad:


New member
Something about the notion of an active-duty soldier being shocked by a fellow soldier walking around with a loaded gun just rubs me all kinds of wrong...
She wasn't shocked I had it, she was shocked by the fact that we had been together for almost an hour and she didn't notice a thing. That gun/holster combo disappears under all of my Hawaiian shirts. :D I told her later when I picked it up, "Hey, concealed means concealed!"

For the record, I am the official "company gun nut".


New member
For the record, I am the official "company gun nut".

LOL... As part of Homeland Security Classes at the local college we are required to take a police tactics course and a firearms familiarization course. How cool is getting college credit for those courses! Spend the majority of the class sending bullets downrange! Also they would fill out your paperwork if you were old enough to get a Texas CHL.

We used the local county Sheriff's Dept Range. The two instructors were also instructors for the Sheriffs Sept. We started out using the department's S&W revolvers. At the last part of the course you were allowed to bring in a semi-auto pistol to practice and use on qualifications. The class before we started the semi-auto practice you had to bring in your firearm for inspection. The majority being students could not afford a semi-auto pistol. I talked with the instructor and told him I would supply some for the other students to use so they would not get stuck with a CHL for revolver only. I had a workout bag I would bring to class with the pistols, musta weighed 40 pounds...lol. The instructors reffered to it as the "Official Bag-O-Guns". I also had the instructor's cell phone numbers in case I got stopped on the way to class...lol.

I used to joke with some of the guys in the unit who would always joke about a civil situation where we would have to draw guns from the weapons vault to use and having to wait on ammo.. I would tell em just tell me what you need and Ill bring it from the house....lol


New member
When the Marine barracks in Lebanon was blown up with terrible loss of life the sentries had NO ammo for their guns.
Mete, you are correct. But that call was made by the State Dept (and administration) b/c they did not want to show "armed" Marines standing post.


New member
I run a range for the local Parks Department (gotta love that). I usually empty out most of my gun safe and take them to work with me for the slow times. Then of course, ya gotta have ammo to go with the guns, right? Everybody calls my minivan "The War Wagon". I swear, the rear shocks are shot from hauling all that weight around.

If I ever get pulled over, I will have boo-koo explaining to do.....:eek:

Yeah, I'm a gun nut:D

I did whip out my flashlight at a restaurant one evening so the waitress could find something she dropped.


New member
I would tell em just tell me what you need and Ill bring it from the house....lol
A few weeks ago we had a reflexive-fire range. Two of my troops missed the training for it. My company ran the range and it lasted two days. The first day my troops didn't go because of eye appointments. That was in the morning. I said I would train them that afternoon. The armorer was at the range, so I had no access to the arms room. One of my troops has an M4, the other an M16A2. No problem, I took them to my house, let them use my AR-15 carbine and my AR-15 rifle. We trained in my garage all afternoon. Best weapons training ever. :D

I really despise Army training prior to a range, because there is no practice shooting prior to qualification. So I just take my troops out with my personal armory and let them burn up my ammo for practice. Now if I could only get my hands on an M249... :p ;)
Glad to hear your soldier is ok, first off.

Secondly, I'm not shocked at all. I've worked more than one accident here (there is an airbase in my jurisdiction) where we had to pull a soldier out of a car, and I can't think of one time where there was a gun on them or in the car. Sad world.
IZ I had to inform my 1SG a couple times about....

....getting stopped and searched coming onto a lil ol post in SE Arizona you should know.....and the security folks finding my magazines...this was usually after a road trip (always kept two on me and two in the truck), and I'd have to report early like 0400 on a Saturday, followed with a call to 1SG about 0800 to let him know what happened (with the usual ughh not again)

Sir will you please pull over here so we can "inspect" your vehicle. Sure.
Hey Bob he has some loaded magazines here.

"Sir is the gun registered on post."
"I don't have a gun on me"

"Sir is the gun registered on post."
"I don't have a gun on me"

"Sir is the gun registered on post."
"I don't have a gun on me"

"Where is the gun that goes with these magazines?" At home in my safe. Is the gun registered on post? I don't live on post. Is the gun registered on post? Well not that one but 4 or 5 others are. Do you have any of those guns on you? No I don't have a gun on me. Are those for a Glock? Yep. How do you like it? Great shoots good, hasn't given me any problems. Ok Sir have a good day

It would usually last about a half hour and most of my stuff on the ground.

Funny thing was they never searched me..........and the MPs never put me on the blotter.