Screw Torque


New member
Is there a sequence that you guys torque the screws on a bolt action rifle? Do you use a torque wrench or just tighten them as tight as you can without risking "buggering" the slot?

Harry Bonar

New member

If I'd care I'd use a torque wrench and set at about 60 in. pounds - but I just tighten up till I think it's right.
Harry B.


New member
Hold the rifle vertically, butt on a bench, This settles the recoil lug against the stock. Thighten front screw first, then rear. If it has a center screw, that one just gets snugged, not tightened.

Although there are torque specs published by the manufacturer, I just use a scewdriver and tighten them down.


ASSUMING that we're talking about action screws, the HS Precision spec for 700 Remmy actions is 60 in/lbs; however, that spec would not apply to stocks not having a solid bedding block, such as wooden stocks.

The info regarding the center screw is correct.