Scrap Metal Permit??


New member
I guess SC has gone and slipped some more red tape in on use lead heads. While down here in the low country, I decided to stop by a salvage yard that I have bought some nice pure lead from in the past and maybe pick up 50lbs or so. I walk in and she asked me for my scrap metal permit. :confused: < yeah that was the look on my face. I asked her dowhathuh? She said the state has started requiring a scrap metal permit to buy scrap metal. So scratching my head she informs me that I have to go to my counties sheriffs dept and get one. She said the permit is free. Just sounds like a whole bunch of hog wash to buy scrap.


New member
Yep - They've been doing that down here for a few years now. Implemented after we started having HVAC units and copper wiring being stolen from vacant homes. Scumbags were even steeling HVAC units from occupied homes.


New member
I'm not where you are but if it's free, I don't really think it should be considered a "problem". All across this country stuff is being stolen to scrap out and it's really become a problem - I know as I was a "victim" of it.

We have a local fellow who hauls scrap to make money. My wife had his kids in school and I know his father-in-law very well. I had a bunch of scrap iron on the farm and I knew he was having a hard time making ends meet so I gave him a call. I gave him what scrap I had and how did he thank me? He came back when I was gone and stole all of my lead stash and electrical copper wire out of my shop.

No . . . I didn't "witness" him taking it but there is little doubt he did. I talked with the local PD about it (he is on their radar constantly) and they wanted to know if I wanted to swear out a complaint. I declined as I did not "see" him take it and but the time I discovered it, I'm sure he had already scrapped it out and blown the money. Funny thing though, my wife has run into him at the grocery store and as soon as he sees her, he turns and goes the other way. I keep hoping to run in to him so I can invite he out to steal some more lead and copper . . .

It may be a "inconvenience" but if it puts a stop to a lot of the stealing and theft, then maybe it's not a bad idea. At least it gives the LE a way to "trace" scrap if theft is suspected. Personally, I've stopped buying at the scrap yard and now just buy from someone who has "lead" (for BP) or "range lead" for sale at a reasonable price that has been smelted and cast in to ingots. A lot easier to have a 50 to 60 pound flat rate box delivered right to my door.


New member
Granted, I am no criminal mastermind, but how does requiring a permit for people to BUY scrap metal from a scrapyard prevent or deter scumbags from stealing scrap and selling it TO said scrap yard. I agree it is a problem and they do need to do something to get a better handle on the problem, but I just don't see how this works.


New member
Requiring a scrap metal permit to stop thieves is probably as effective as requiring background checks on gun purchases to keep bad guys from getting them.


New member
In Southern CA, the copper wire/plumbing, theft ain't necessarily from dopers. I worked for a very large utility company (both water and power) and very often heard from field service techs. about copper plumbing being stolen (not necessarily residential, but commercial and some of the utility's piping. Transfer stations and receiving stations were being targeted for copper buss bars (each weighing up to 50 lbs.) but some weren't too smart with that attempted theft; three got fried by 4K volts trying to remove buss bars from a transformer...:eek:


New member
Requiring a scrap metal permit to stop thieves is probably as effective as requiring background checks on gun purchases to keep bad guys from getting them.

Yep, and a thief could just go get a free permit...

T. O'Heir

New member
What they don't want the terrs buying scrap metal to build technicals? A scrap metal permit a civil servant's idea of how to tax a crime?
Seems to me some idiot got himself toasted breaking into a transformer station, up here too. Thought it was Ma Nature flushing the gene pool.


New member
Ok thanks for the info guys. I'll just go get the permit. I don't really see how having this permit for me to BUY scrap is gonna do anything. I can see having the permit to SELL it. At any rate, I'll do it because I like this scrap yard they always have plenty of plumbers lead and old roof flashing that makes fantastic muzzleloading BOOLITS!!