SCOTUS to rule today

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Don P

New member
The case that was discussed here a while back with reference to the police officer buying a gun for his uncle and the straw purchase fiasco that has ensued is being heard by SCOTUS today. Its been all over the FOX news this morning with the question of, is it legal to purchase a firearm as a gift for another person. Just what FOX has been reporting.


New member
This is not a constitutional issue. It's a statutory interpretation issue. There's a full analysis of the issues at ScotusBlog. That analysis identifies the issues as:
Abramski’s lawyers took the case to the Supreme Court, raising two questions: whether it violates the “straw purchaser” law to buy a gun for someone else, when the other person is actually legally eligible to possess a gun; and whether gun dealers are required to keep in their records the information that a buyer intends to sell the gun to another legal buyer.
I'm still surprised this one made it to the Supreme Court but there are apparently some conflicting opinions on the matter.

Frank Ettin

Don P said: it legal to purchase a firearm as a gift for another person...
If that's what Fox has been reporting, Fox has it wrong; because that's not the question at all.

To avoid re-opening discussion of the case in any depth before there is a ruling, we discussed the case in some detail here.

And the title of this thread is misleading, because if SCOTUS is now hearing the case, there won't be a ruling for some time. And until that time there's no reason to discuss this further.

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