SCOTUS decision in!

Dennis Olson

New member
Reversed and remanded to FLSC. Vote was 7 - 2 to reverse and remand, and 5 - 4 to PERMANENTLY stop the recount.

The considered opinion is that algore is DOA.

Rhenquist, Scalia and Thomas said that FLSC violated state and federal law, in that the mandated recount was unconstitutional.

Appears that the STAY was granted because the majority felt that there is NO TIME to complete a fair recount. Also, SCOTUS would have to approve the standards set by FLSC.

Chief justice said "never before had undervotes been used to determine an election..."

[Edited by Dennis Olson on 12-12-2000 at 10:34 PM]


New member
Does SCOTUS have to approve the new standards or will the FLSC's new standards have to be appealed again?

John Marshall

New member
It would appear that the SCOTUS has simply erased everything that has happened since Judge Sauls handed down his ruling. So the SCOFLA now has 6 days to take up an additional set of arguments, perhaps set a strict standard for examining ballots, do the count and send the case back to the SCOTUS for review. The people at Fox are saying approximately two days for each of those steps. Under that timetable, they have no spare time for any shenanigans. IMHO, it can't be done but they will no doubt try.

Dennis Olson

New member
Looks like SCOTUS is loading algore down with too many conditions to accomplish his goal, without ACTUALLY telling him to "get stuffed".


Moderator Emeritus
So the SCOTUS has asked the SCOFLA to create standards out of thin air to determine the validity of the so-called undervotes? What the...?

This seems to me to be patently unconstitutional. It seems that the SCOTUS is allowing the rules to be changed before the game is over.

No doubt this is another loss for algore, though. Doubtful that they'll get any recount done before December 18th.

Waiting for more info and analysis...

Ed Brunner

New member
Maybe Not

My understanding is that SCOTUS states that this cannot be completed and thus is moot and thus the certified count is final.


New member
Come on Willy, sing it!

Turn out the lights..... the party's over.....

Repeat after me everyone; President George W. Bush!

Christopher II

New member
The head of the DNC? Wow.

I can't wait to hear AlGore's concession speech. I've always wanted to see him break down crying in public. :D



New member
It is a clever way for the SCOTUS to toss the hot potato back to SCOFL and maintain the dignity and impartality of SCOTUS. It also also the SCOTUS to make sure the right thing is done. In this case, any illegal acts of the FL courts and election boards will stay in the lime light.

Also, Gore loses! :D

David Scott

New member
The majority of SCOTUS justices were appointed by Republican Presidents! Bias, bias, bias! They're legislating from the bench! Impeach them all!

The Republicans are stealing the election!
It's a complicated ruling, including dissents, because of the division even within SCOTUS. The pundits will be talking about the nonbinding dissents for days. Suffice it to say that 7/9 of the Justices agreed on this:
The Florida recount, as constructed, is unConstitutional. It's not SCOTUS' job to state what would be the solution....these are suggested in the nonbinding dissents.

And this just in:
Jesse Jackson now claims that this decision will "go down in infamy along with The Dread Scott Decision"
His insult to the suffering of history's Blacks is an affront to humanity. What a tool!


New member
The USSC and other aspects of the elections

The USSC seems to have essentially told Al Gore to "take a walk", though not in so many words.

More interesting, at least to me, is the following re the recent and completed ??? elections. I note in passing, that while only about 50% of the eligible voters bothered to vote, that this circumstance was actually an "improvement" and is considered something of an accomplishment. Given these factors, the winner got a bit more than 25% of the eligible voters to support him, which strikes me as rather less than impressive.

Notwithstanding Gore's position on firearms, terrible, I wonder as to how much better Bush actually will turn out to be. With this situation in mind, and given that there are something like 80,000,000 gun owners in the country, one does wonder as to where in hell they were, on election day?
How come the election was so close.

This does not even begin to consider another question, re Florida. It seems that a great many people there had difficulty reading and underestanding what have been described as "clear instructions". How come, is one thought that crosses my mind. Have Americans forgotten how to read, or didn't our public schools, where most people went, bother to teach that arcane subject?

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
I have just finished reading the SCOTUS decision (whew), actually, I downloaded it and read it twice...Rich, I agree with your assessment.

What I found most interesting were the citations of C. J. Wells dissent in the 5-4 ruling. To me, this is virtually saying that the rest of the FLSC should listen to this man (hmmm, is he being groomed for the future?).

C.J. Wells, after being scolded by the SCOTUS, has made his "mia culpa" and joined the ranks of the SCOTUS conservatives. He may well have signed his own "death warrant" in the state of Florida, but I wonder....



New member
How about this.

Gore goes back to the FLSC. They kill 4 or 5 days knowing full well they don`t have enough time. This brings them to the Electoral College. Possibly a couple turn their votes and Gore is in. He has absolutely nothing to lose. He doesn`t care about the DNC, 2002 or 2004. He must go for broke as there`s too much at stake. Just my thoughts.


New member
I hate to say this, but,

I told you so! :D

Libertarian has it right. Sups just review lower court opinion for error then remand it and tell lower court to do your job (dumbass). The paren is only implied, but they read it nonetheless. :D

The question was "the law of what planet did you base your opinion on?" :D

Sorry, I can't help it! :D