Scored Some Two Dollar Bills Today


New member
I went by my local bank today and wanted to know how many two dollar bills they had in the tiller. It turned-out they had three of them.

I will take those with me Friday to the nearest Starbucks which is about fifty miles away and buy my favorite coffee drink and one for my wife.

As most know, Starbucks stands "Neutral" on the legal carry of firearms on their property. I support their position, but "Moms Demand Action" would like Starbucks to change their corporate position.

You can read all about it at the following link:

I hope the staff does not consider this as a drive-by; although I will be using the drive-thru at Starbucks with my legal concealed carry.

In my view, I think we should all show our support for Starbucks right to remain neutral.

Who knows, I might find additional two dollar bills between now and Friday. If so, I will buy some chocolate chip cookies too. (pun intended)


New member
Thanks for the heads up. I occasionally visit Starbucks and will attempt to get a two dollar bill by the 9th and visit one of their local establishments. While it's legal to open carry here, it's seldom done and I don't want to be the guy the local newspaper writes about.
Wait a minute...just a couple of months ago, Shannon Watts' little group was called One Million Moms for Gun Control. Now they're Moms Demand Action? I swear, it's like herding cats.
Tom Servo said:
Wait a minute...just a couple of months ago, Shannon Watts' little group was called One Million Moms for Gun Control. Now they're Moms Demand Action? I swear, it's like herding cats.
I'm sure the name change was so they can be more inclusive in their approach, and oppose assault automobiles as well as assault firearms.


New member
I don't know their head count, but maybe they figured they couldn't find a million Moms with nothing better to do than support their radical agenda.:D
maybe they figured they couldn't find a million Moms with nothing better to do than support their radical agenda.
The irony is that Watts claimed to be emulating Mothers Against Drunk Driving. What she missed was the fact that MADD didn't want to restrict access to cars or alcohol. They just wanted stricter punishments for people who misused them and put others in danger.


New member
I almost came here about this.

We can't open carry in my state but if I have one by then I might put on an open holster.

Starbucks, 3 years ago, stated that they would follow local laws and consider themselves neutral on the subject. They have allowed pro and anti gun rallies in their stores.

This does not mean I cannot tip with a $2 bill to send a message that I like their stance and support it.

On their Facebook page, a person with the last name Brady posted a link to a pro-carry Starbucks event with a warning for people to avoid and every comment (8 or 10 or so) was a "Thanks, I'll have to make it out to that and support!"


New member
Starbucks, 3 years ago, stated that they would follow local laws and consider themselves neutral on the subject. They have allowed pro and anti gun rallies in their stores.

All too often businesses, celebrities, high profile people, etc. hurt themselves I think by taking a stance on controversial subjects whereas I feel that they should stick to what they do / know. Starbucks: Stick to business. Entertainers : stick to entertaining. I think these folks have a right to their own opinions, but should deal with those opinions outside of business. If a business tells me they don't support 2A then they lose my business if possible. I guess I admire Starbucks decision to remain neutral. It sounds like a solid business stance.


New member
I guess I admire Starbucks decision to remain neutral. It sounds like a solid business stance.

I like their stand too but 'neutral' or obeying the local laws concerning guns, drives the anti-gun folk wild. Remember Heidi Yewman "On March 12, 2010, I was surrounded by big hairy men with guns on their hips, yelling at me as I led a protest against Starbuck’s gun policy." Gosh stereotyping a little bit or what?

I guess to the anti-gun folk if you aren't against guns then you are the enemy.

I hope people realize how intolerant the anti-gun folk are.


New member
Tom Servo:
Million Moms for Gun Control. Now they're Moms Demand Action?

Machts nichts. I never listen to Mom unless she calls me by both my first AND middle name. Then I know she's serious.


New member
Last year all the gun shows in my area gave two bills as change on the admission fee as a way to support the second amendment. I still have a few.

lee n. field

New member
Wait a minute...just a couple of months ago, Shannon Watts' little group was called One Million Moms for Gun Control. Now they're Moms Demand Action? I swear, it's like herding cats.

Think, more like hydra or unkillable zombie.
Think, more like hydra or unkillable zombie.
Hail Hydra!


That said, Starbuck's has been pretty understanding about the whole situation. They've asked that folks not turn their shops into a battleground over political ideology, and we should honor that.

Let the other side be jerks about it.


New member
My daughter worked as a bartender at a local restaurant when in college. I had a 2 dollar bill in my pocket the following is paraphrased but what she said when I show it to her, " you know all the 2 dollar bills come through the local strip club". Seems that they give you $2 bills for change, the girls don't like singles. $2 bills double their intake. :)

Just for information. Think I'll go to Starbucks.


New member
Think I'll go to Starbucks.

So will i.

Attended the US Naval EOD school in 1959. We were also paid by the Navy; sometimes in two dollar bills. The purpose was to remind the owners off base businesses where their money was coming from.
Well, it turns out that a few gun owners decided to be jerks, and the Starbucks in Newtown shut down for the day rather than become a party to controversy.

Starbucks initially chose not to ban guns, despite being under a great deal of pressure to do so. They politely asked that we not turn their stores into battlegrounds for the issue.

Yet, some of us did. If they ban guns at this point, we've only ourselves to blame.