scored a hi power


New member
it's a FM, found it at the local shop in the used seems to be a older model as it does not have billboard on the slide like the ones iv'e seen lately.finish is greenish grey park.a little rough,but it's no browning,fits real good in my hand,and what a shooter.i mean to tell you its great. i got 3 -13 rounders 2-17 & 2 -30 round mags for $$300 they all feed & drop, good so i guess i did ok. now i need a good holster - does anyone know how to date a FM ?


New member
Do you mean FN? Anyway, it sounds like a good deal. You will enjoy it. Hi-powers are just cool. Take a look at Galco's site. I've had good luck with their holsters. Can't help you with the dating.


New member
Steve Camp definatly knows his HPs, and tends to appear when needed. I've also seen a few others who know plenty on 'em.

I know there's an HP specific forum at but it doesn't see as much traffic as the 1911 forums do.

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello, sir. I'm sorry but I have no information FM dates of manufacture.

I have never owned one of these Argentine pistols but have been quite happy with their version of the FAL rifle, which I do own. That said, I have shot a number of the older FM Hi Power pistols and all had finishes that were a bit rougher than those on commercial FN Hi Powers. The pistols I shot fed reliably and grouped satisfactorily. Sights were fairly well regulated from the factory when using 115 to 125-gr. loads. Trigger pulls were fairly rough, but such seems to be the rule rather than the exception with Hi Powers these days.
