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Scopes/optics thread


New member
Is there a section specifically for scope and other optics?

I've got my 1st high power scope recently and just got out for high yardage shooting the other day and I got some questions for those more experienced with real scopes.

If somebody can direct me to the right area, it would be appreciated.

Evan Thomas

New member
For questions about the actual hardware -- comparisons between models, and the like -- the Gear and Accessories forum is your best bet.

For questions about use, the General Rifle forum is fine, and I notice you've started a thread there titled "Scopes and windage." All good. :)


New member
Yes, I had been directed where and went ahead and did.

Is there a way for op to close thread once it's achieved it's goal?

And thanks.


I have always been against closing threads. What is the point? Don't want to watch change the channel.

With Google and search functions threads live forever. To me it is more clutter to start a thread, and repeat it all.

I think it is great to ask did you fix it, do you still like it, or I had same problem. Don't want to reply dont.

But I have done research for something and found threads that could use more info for next guy. Not going to start a thread just to say if you take this screw it first, or such. But I will comment, and hope it helps someone in 10 years.

These threads are to help people.

Mal H

Is there a way for op to close thread once it's achieved it's goal?
No. In general we leave threads open for any future discussion on the topic. Of course, we don't necessarily like them resurrected years later, but sometimes even that is necessary.

However, if an OP does want his or her thread closed for a good reason, either PM one of the forum moderators or report it (press this button:
) asking to have it closed.


I am surprised there is not a optics forum. You want to research glass, you don't want to read about everything else. Maybe this is not where people come for that. Maybe a long range forum is, or hunting. Seems like hunting is not big topic here. Maybe just odd time of year.


Why does it bother you, when resurrected?

You could start a thread tomorrow and people will still reply to page 1, when there are 5. Their time to waste if problem solved.

Would be cool if there was a symbol indicating old thread. But not like it is a burdon to type.

Mal H

Would be cool if there was a symbol indicating old thread.
There is a notice explaining that the thread you are about to post in is over 30 days old. You have to check off a box saying you are aware that it is an old thread.