Scope Trouble?


New member
I bought a new Savage MKII TR to shoot smallbore silhouette and put a Weaver Classic V 4-16x42 scope on it. I used Burris Signature Zee medium rings to mount the scope. The scope barely touched the barrel, so I placed two pieces of electrical tape beneath the inserts and the scope ended up around 1/16" above the barrel, problem solved, or so I thought. I boresighted the scope and set up a target at 25yds. Problem was that I ran out of elevation before I could even get up to zero. There is no more up left in the scope. The scope has 224 1/4 MOA clicks total in elevation. I usually check windage and elevation before installation and optically center the scope and did so in this case. I know the scope is good because it functioned fine on a friend's Kimber. What is going on here? Can it be that the barrel was canted during installation? Any insight would be appreciated.


New member
I'd say your tape is a little thicker in the rear than in the front. Also make sure to check torque on the mount screws as well as the rings. I'd also say that this probably isn't a good way to mount a scope, get the correct rings. There is such a variety of rings available that you should be able to get it close without touching. I've seen a few different mounts out there for them as well that will make a bit of a height difference.

Great choice in rifle by the way, I rather enjoy mine. And as a general rule you should post pictures of any new firearms for the members to enjoy :D.


New member
I have shimmed scopes up when required using a section of a feeler gage, whatever thickness is needed.
The stainless steel wont compress or corrode and you can be exactly the same height on each ring


New member
++++++ getting rid of the tape.

If you need different rings, then get them or use feeler stock as shim.

Personally, I would get higher base rings to make sure the scope is solidly mounted.

It is going to "creep" on you if you don't.



New member
Purchase the High rings from Burris (signature z rings and an insert kit.) With
the insert kit you can get some added elevation if needed.

I use the Burris high rings on all my rifles I prefer some clearance and yet they
are not as high as other brands.


New member
I only used the tape under the front insert. This should have had the same effect as a canted base. I should have had more in the upward direction. It still does not explain why I have no more movement in the up direction. I can try the 20 MOA inserts from Burris and see if that works. It still does not explain why the scope cannot be zeroed at 25.


New member
I'm not familiar with a TR series. Is this a tapered or bull barrel? Are you using the factory scope mounts (2 peice)? You might try measuring the two base peices and make sure their the same height. You also might try switching the rings around, put the one at the rear on the front. I've used these rings a lot and never had a problem but you never know.

And my main reason for telling you to remove the tape is deterioration and movement. There are materials better suited to shim the tube.


New member
I'd go with taller rings. That will likely solve your problem or at least rule out the rings and the way they are mounted.


New member
I had the same problem of my gun shooting to low at 25 yds. I shimmed the front scope ring and it got worse. Black electric tape caused the scope to move under recoil (30:06).

The rifler in post #7 is correct. It seems backward, but it works that way.

If you want to spend a lot of money you can get 20 MOA bases that are adjustable.


New member
you sould shim both rings. just shimming the front has put the cross hairs why to high and that is why you dont have anough ajustment.

i have heard that milk jug plastic works for shims but have never used it