scope suggestions


New member
I will be getting a NEF Handi-Rifle in .30-06. I'd like to put a relatively inexpensive fixed power scope on it (about 4X). But seeing how much a 7 pound .30-06 will recoil, I can't go for a cheap scope. What scopes would be good for this?


New member
You don't necessarily need to break the bank to get decent, reliable glass. I bought a Redfield scope, made by Leupold, and dearly love the thing. It's a no frills scope but holds POI on a 270 win, clear as day, and adjusts power with out bullet changing impact. Retail on these scopes tops out at $200.00. What's not to like?


New member
For 159.00 you can have a variable 3x9x40 Redfield with a ballistic reticule. It is made by Leupold in the USA, and has a lifetime warranty.

I put one on my son's 700 .270 and it performs very well.


Bird Dog

New member
I like your first instinct. A fixed scope has a lot fewer parts to break and fewer lenses to bleed light than a variable. The Weaver K-series scopes are a good value. My K6 is brighter than my Leupold Variable when it is set on 6x and costs one third as much. There are good variable scopes values too, but they have both advantages and disadvantages compared to fixed power scopes.


New member
I too have an H&R Handi Rifle,,,

It's a really nice rifle in any caliber,,,
Mine is chambered for the .357 Magnum cartridge.

Lotsa good scopes being recommended here,,,
I'm no optics expert but I'll tell you what is working for me.

I have a Bushnell Banner 3 x 9 x 40 mounted on my rifle,,,
I know I've put over 500 rounds through it,,,
Scope hasn't lost it's zero yet.

I did have the base screws come loose once,,,
My fault as I didn't put any fingernail polish on them.

Poor man's Loctite would have saved me 9 rounds getting the zero back.

Have fun and enjoy your new rifle,,,
You are gonna love that single-shot wonder.



New member
I've been a die hard Leupold guy for a long time, so when a friend of mine gave me his Nikon Monarch to try on my new T/C Icon Precision Hunter, I scoffed at him.

When I finally sighted it in and sent some rounds down range I was sold almost immediately. Clarity unseen except in a Swarovski. The BDC reticle is certainly a nice feature. Side focus for your higher powered magnifications, and a price you cannot beat for that kind of quality.

You may spend a little more than you are looking to, but a lot of very good shooters say you should spend half as much on your scope as you did on your rifle.


New member
$50 rebate on that 4X Sightron. Fully multi-coated, as good a warranty as anybody.
I'd do that.


New member
For the price you can't beat a Nikon Prostaff for around $100 ar Walmart. It is 4 x 32 and would be perfect for that rifle. I have one one my NEF Survivor 308, it just works. I have had mine now for 4 years without any problems. ;)


New member
my weaver k4 has helped me get moa on a .243win a .308 and a .270win and is now on a .50 omega and still getting moa. neat scope. and at 300 its gets me about 3 inch groups.