Scope Rings--Lo, Med, Hi--What's that in inches????


I've got a KVAR mount for my VEPR II rifle. Problem is, the front scope bell won't quite clear the rear sight on the rifle.

I could buy a different scope or different rings--I figure the rings will be cheaper.


I have no idea whether the rings I have are Low, Medium or High rings.

Does anyone know how what the measurements of the different height rings are?




New member
I just went through the same thing, trying to find the right rings to get my FAL scope as low as possible. has technical data on a lot of their products. For most of the scope rings I looked at, they listed the distance from base of the ring (or top of the mount) to the bottom of the scope tube.

I set hex nuts on the mount to act as spacers where the rings would go, then balanced the scope on the nuts to see how much clearance there was over the rifle. When I found a set of nuts that put the scope as low as I wanted, I measured them with calipers, and compared to the Midway specs.

I hope it works out. Maybe I missed something really obvious and will end up with the wrong size rings anyway. It's also possible that they got the numbers wrong on their website. It's happened before. Guess I'll find out in a week or so... :)

Barn Dog

New member
John, I don't have anything above or beyond what the other guys have stated but I would like to know how you like the mount - is it centered over the bore and is it as low as possible? Can you remove the receiver cover without taking the mount off?

All the mount/scope combinations I have seen from Russia put the scope up high and to the left of the centerline of the bore forcing you to lose check weld on the stock. Please advise if you care to elaborate on the quality and fit of the mount. Thanks, Barn.


It's centered perfectly.

The TOP of the weaver rail is 1.5 centimeters above the receiver cover. I suppose it could be lower, but as you can tell, as it is, I'm already having problems with the scope bell clearing the rear sight.

I've never tried removing the receiver cover with the mount in place for the simple reason that I can flip the locking lever on the mount and it slides off the gun. It mounts using the standard AK siderail.

The fit and finish are great. I have no complaints.