Scope Mounting for Dummies?

Chris W

New member
I've never mounted a scope, and don't have the foggiest notion. I have a Ruger 77/22 I'd like to put a scope on, and the top of the receiver has all sorts of grooves and what-not, but I don't know what they're for. Could one of you helpful and knowledgeable folk tell me the fundamentals of getting from where I am to where I have a scope on the gun? Just so I don't LOOK like the idiot I clearly am when I go to buy the thing? I'd dearly appreciate it.


New member
Did it come with factory rings? If not, picking some up is a good idea AFTER you choose the scope you want. Weaver makes good intermediate priced scopes.

What caliber is your rifle?

Chris W

New member
It's a .22. If 'factory rings' are something separate from the gun, then no, it didn't. Is it the case that each gun has its own method for attaching the rings that go around and secure the scope? (See, now you begin to plumb the terrible depths of my ignorance! ;) )


Jim Watson

New member
No instructions with the rifle?
Worse came to worst, you could call Ruger for a book, with pictures and everything. sells Ruger factory scope mounts which attach directly to those grooves and what-nots with no separate bases or loose screws.
Better you should learn how to do it yourself, there is a thread running where a customer let a store clerk put on a scope and strip one of the screws.


New member
The Ruger website says that your rifle comes with integral factory bases. IMHO, Ruger factory rings are the best mount for your rifle; you won't need a separate base.

You will need someone to verify for you that your year rifle has the integral factory bases, or post a picture here. The "standard" ruger rings will allow attachment of a 44mm objective scope, which should be way enough for your .22. The "objective" end of your scope will be in the front and is larger than the "ocular" in the back.

Your local gunsmith can order the factory rings and give you some pointers. Do a search here for "scope mounting."

You also need to decide on a set magnification or variable magnification range.

A good starter scope for you might be an inexpensive 3x9x40 (low magnif=3X, high magnif+9X, objective size+40mm).

A good rimfire-only site is


Chris W

New member
Okay, I'm beginning to see daylight here. Bought the rifle used, and without documentation; crazy that I haven't gotten the owner's manual from Ruger before, but I've put in a request for one just now.

Jim: I see the things you're talking about at Brownells, looks like they've gottem specifically for my rifle, so that's all good.

Ledbetter: Your suggestion sounds excellent, from what I've seen for myself and seen recommended. Haven't got the picture capacity, but it sure looks to me like all those grooves 'n stuff have to do with a scope. I understand basically how rifles work, and they're not doin' anything else.

Guess I'll just cool my heels while Ruger sends a manual and I can look at pictures of the whole thing. Hmmm... you spose they make a pop-up version of a manual ;) ?

Thanks for the help


Chuck Dye

New member
Leupold and, I think, one or two other manufacturers make rings to fit Ruger's integral mount. I have been told, but otherwise have no info, that the Leupold rings are superior to the Ruger factory rings. I do know that I very much prefer the Torx screws provided by Leupold to the allen head and slotted head screws Ruger provided with the two sets of their rings I have. Might be worth additional research before you buy.

For what it's worth, I have a Leupold 2-7x Compact Rimfire Special in Ruger rings on my 77/22-love it, recommend it. Think had I not already had the Ruger rings, I would opt for the Leupold rings, though.


New member
dis is de gon:

dis is de rings:

dis iz de gon wif de rings ana scope:

heres a manual: Riflescope instruction manual.pdf

heres more info:

Chris W

New member
Right; dZ, I've got the right gun (as pictured) and a couple of potential sources for the rings. I appreciate the links on how to do it, particularly.

Huck, thanks for the specific recommendation and info on Leupold; I'll look into it.

Ledbetter; we're just folks, is all ;)

Now for the really critical part: you all guarantee, I assume, that I will be instant death to all creatures great and small within a vast perimeter, right? Installing a scope WILL make me a superior shooter, won't it? Don't you break my heart, now, and tell me it's gonna take practice.
