Scope and Mount for Browning BLR?


New member
Ok so you guys helped me figuring out what a "scout mounted" scope was...

I don't think I really want to use one on my New Browning BLR...

So Im looking for a Lighted reticle maybe 3-9X40ish for mostly hunting hogs in lower light conditions... but also something I could use in daylight...

Also What type of mount would be best? I assume some type of Wever attached to the receiver, which is predrilled for one...

Thank you again!!

44 AMP

I have one

It was my Dad's last deer rifle. Browning BLR in .308 Win. It has a Weaver mount and rings and carried a 3x9 scope (can't remeber the exact brand). Works just fine. Shot it last year at the range.

Weaver mounts are the cheapest (less costly), and work quite well when correctly mounted. They are somewhat blocky and not slim and trim like some more expensive brands, but they work just as well.


New member
I like Warne steel bases & Warne Maxima 'weaver' style rings. My most used 308 carries a 1.75-6 vari-x-III. I would put quality over magnification & look in the 2-7, 3-9 range, or lower.


New member
The thing I like about Weaver bases and rings is that in case a ring breaks, you can carry a spare and get your rifle back in action with a minimum of hassle. Believe me, that extra ring comes in handy when you are miles from the truck or camp! My B-I-L had a BLR in 7/08 and it was deadly accurate with WW 760 and the Hornady 139 grain Interlock.


New member
Go with the Leupold mounts They are all steel , don't break ! Quality is first class you can't go wrong. I've seen quality rifles at gander mtn. in the used section with the alloy mounts they look like crap. If you must use a alloy mount then put it on a 22 not on a Browning. You have a very good rifle in the Browning don't get cheap in the mounts or scope. You will be sorry in the long run. Tom F.

Blue Duck

New member
I have used the older steel framed BLRs for at least 15yrs or more, and the best combination for them IMHO is a Redfield or Leupold JR. mount with a Leupold 2x7 vari-xII, using medium rings. This has been my favorite combination. I also have used the Leupold Vari-xIII 1.5x5 scopes in the same mounts with good sucess. However I think the 2x7 gives the best of both worlds, 2 power works good for up close, and 7 power works good for longer ranges.

Medium rings are the best, because they give you room to get your thumb on top of the hammer without having to use a hammer spur, but still low enough for an acceptable cheek weld on the stock. And regarding stocks, I always cut mine off the full thickness of the recoil pad and put the pad back on, as they come from the factory they are too long to suit me for fast shooting.