
James K

Member In Memoriam
I tried posting this under General Discussion, but got little interest. Maybe the folks here will have better info.
Color me curious. There have been a number of posts regarding shooting schools, especially the "combat handgun" schools.
I would like to hear from any non-LEO who

1. Graduated from any of these schools and
2. Subsequently was involved in a real gunfight.

I would like to know if the training helped or hindered in a real fight. Please read on before answering.

No responses from LEOs, please. Reason is that LEOs receive other training and so school training is not "pure".

No responses from school trainers or owners.

No responses from military combat veterans. That is a whole different ball game.

No secondhand reports or "if it happened" answers.

And a "real" gunfight is one in which you came under fire and/or fired shots in self defense or the defense of an innocent party.

I would accept cases in which your training allowed you to control a dangerous situation
without firing.

My point in all this is to see when and whether the type of training being given is relevant to the real world.
