Scary Situation in the Past


New member
I've never stated this in this forum before, because I didn't think it was germaine to the forum. Now, after being here, I think it is.

There was a scary situation about a year ago where both my mother, her boyfriend, and her best friend (Jeanette) were threatened with death and being stalked by Jeanette's ex-boyfriend, a man by the name of Russell Jordan.

The bastard actually was breaking the windows of my mother's house, and attempted a home invasion that way. He later called and threatened to kill both my mom, Jeanette, John, and, in his words "I'm also going to kill your son, too, if I ever find out who he is and what he looks like". He was talking about me.

Luckily, the guy (Russell) is in prison, serving a 10 year sentence for home invasion, death threats, and the like, but he said that he will kill my mother, Jon, Jeanette and me once he gets out.

Nothing more polarized me about the reason why gun control sucks than that day. I was 19 years old, I couldn't buy a handgun from an FFL, I couldn't get a carry permit because I was too young. Oh, and get this, I live in Florida, the mother of the shall-issue concealed carry movement. :barf:

She begged me not to come over to her house until they found the guy. I followed her wishes. It probably saved my life, too, since I was legally not allowed by law to get a permit (I was 19, not 21). She bought a Glock 19 pistol, and literally 5 people were around her and Jeanette at all times with handguns and shotguns inside her home.

This is why I'm so angry that in order to even have a chance in passing my CCW reform legislation in Florida, I have to leave out lowering the age to 18 years old. Perhaps when I go to the committee who reviews such a bill, I'll have to recount my previous effort to lower it to 18, and tell them about what happened with Jordan. Maybe it will change their minds and add an amendment, but probably not.

And people wonder why I'm so angry at the NRA and their Florida mouthpiece, Marion Hammer. They were the ones who kept sandbagging me back in 1998 and 1999 on the issue, and because of their lack of backbone, could have gotten me killed or seriously injured at the hands of Jordan. If they had thrown their full weight behind the effort that I made 4 years ago, it would have passed. I have to keep wondering if the prison system is going to release him somehow in the next 12 months. If that happens, and he finds out who I am, I'm dead.

*clenches fists* I hate [moderator edit: less-than-fully-masculine], spineless gun orgs who give only lip service, do you?
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New member
I think that you can get an order attached to his paperwork that requires you be notified upon his release.