Scary Radio Commercial, REGISTER FIREARMS!


New member
O.K. everyone,

I was driving in this morning listening to the radio, when all of a sudden I hear something like: "Remember to register your firearms" coming out of the radio. Well THAT got my attention! Then I remember it is a KANADIAN country channel (Spirit 91.7 in Niagara Falls, Kanada. I'm just south of Niagara Falls, NY so I can pick up those pink stations) Anyway, there was some more info about how you should register your firearms while the fee is still ten dollars before the rate increases to sixty (60) dollars per firearm! They'll have a help desk set up at the mall for people to come and get help filling out the registration form.

Now the reason the registration tax is going up is because they vastly underestimated the amount of firearms in Kanada when they came up with the proposal and they're being swamped in paperwork. (I can only hope that Americans would not run, walk, drive or crawl to register their rifles!)

We're not talking about pistols, pistols are VERY restricted up there. We're talking about HUNTING RIFLES. Not AR-15's, those are ILLEGAL. These are shotguns, bolt action and semi-auto hunting rifles!

Is this the future in THIS country? Public service announcements telling us to register our guns before the fees go up? The next step in Kanada will most likely be what happened in Australia and England. Mass confiscations. The facts are out there. Don't let this happen here! We still have a chance to choose our futures. Join the NRA, JPFO, GOA, etc... Vote for PRO-SECOND AMENDMENT CANDIDATES.

I've heard these ads before and they really give me a sick feeling, not to mention a sore throat from yelling at the radio!

Demetrius Sarigiannis

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


If Gore gets elected, that is the future of this country....actually worse.


New member
It gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach too. It's like some science fiction movie turned into reality. Unfortunately, it is indeed the future for us here unless firearms owners start speaking up, and most importantly, GET REGISTERED AND START VOTING! So many people I know just take their gun rights for granted, and when I try to talk to them about this issue, they just say, "They'll never do that here." Then I ask them if they vote, and they make some excuse why they don't. This is a serious situation, and it will have ramifications beyond just the 2nd amendment. It is a general civil rights issue, and people need to start waking up. Do you agree?



New member
The only thing we should ever register is ourselves and as many others as we can to vote in the upcoming elections. Each vote we cast cancels out one from the other side. If you don't vote, you can't complain.



New member
Commercials such as these have already been aired here in Kalifornia.

I remember one TV commercial back in 1989-90 (after the first "assault weapons" ban) had an older gentleman arguing with his son over registering his "evil" guns. The pathetic, moronic-looking, pile-of-pus, sheeplish son asked what would happen if the police pulled him over and he hadn't registered his firearms. Eeek! Finally the old man relented and said he would register them like a good concentration camp victim in waiting. BARF!

I heard they have new ones for the latest ban but I haven't seen them yet.


New member
I think the Canadian government's problem is that many, many Canadians are not going to register their firearms at all, as they know full well that confiscation is the next step in the process. I hope that even more Americans would do the same if the situation ever became so dire in this free country.
Now just stop and thiink about this: If the Canadian government does not back down on this issue, it will have to mount a massive repressive operation against so many of its citizens that it will be one of the most sicking spectacles of the new 21st century. They will have to murder, send to camps, terrorize so many that they will surely earn their rightful place amongst the outstanding criminal regimes of this sorry world. Don't kid yourself that these things are anything but criminal.
I just hope they come to their senses while they still have some time.

Travis McGee

New member
DS 1973: Hell, move out to Kali and you can hear our Atty General make the same type of radio pitch every day: "register your "assault rifles" by December 31 or else!!!" Go to the official state site to read all about it. (Since I lost all those kind of guns in a boat accident, I am exempt.)


New member
Move out, amen, I say we take political control of the pro-RKBA states and elect sheriffs that will make absolutely enforce their right as the local law, including keeping uninvited feds out of the area without prior consent.

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me