Scarecrow rounds?

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
Not really sure where to put this, but here goes. I wrangle horses on the side for a large (4200 acre) Christian youth & rider's camp. Several of the ponds on the ranch have been taken over by Canada Geese. It was a novelty at first, but they are fouling the water so bad that it's unusable for man nor beast. I had some luck some years ago with 12 ga "scarecrow rounds" made, I think, by Blammo Ammo. These rounds fired something akin to an M-80 firecracker with a bright flash, and they really did the trick. Darned if I can find them today though. I did a site search here for Blammo & found a few references, but no contact/sales info. They don't seem to have a web site. Anybody know where I can find these scarecrow rounds, by Blammo or anybody else? I heard Blammo's prices are a bit high anyhow. I'm not looking for high explosives here, just something that goes out about 50-75 yds and goes bang!


New member
Get a depredation permit and talk to Fish & Game about tools

Although shortstopped, Canada Geese are migratory birds with complex interlinking regulation. Get a depredation permit and talk to Fish & Game about tools. Some past sources may include:
Exploding shotgun Shells. This is a 12-gauge shotgun shell (except as noted) containing a king-sized firecracker (instead of pellets) that is projected a distance of 75 to 150 yards or more. The pistol type has a range of 25 yards or more.

Reed-Joseph International Co., 232 Main Street, P.O. Box 894 Greenville, MS 38701. (800)647-5554
Stoneco Co., Inc., P.O. Box 765, Trinidad, CO 81082. (719)846-2853. (12-gauge cartridge)
Sutton AG Enterprises, Inc., 538 Brunken Avenue, #7, Salinas, CA 93901. (408)422-964 (Bomb is inserted in the muzzle of a special pistol)