SBS stock: tried one today WOW

Slide-Fires are a hoot.

Allows hunters to shoot as quickly as desired, in a safe manner.
I laugh at the quote, but weep for our future, given that some people do believe it would be acceptable

+1000. Oh brother.


New member
Well I broke down and ordered one. I'm building a dedicated upper and lower for it. And well see how it fairs ...


New member
Slide fires are fun, but really only get used once or twice a year when shooting with friends who haven't used it before. Not worth the $300 price tag to me(or the ammo cost to shoot it).


New member
Are they accurate

I want to get one just because they are probably going to be banned in the near future, but can anyone tell me how accurate they are? Compared to a real full auto, how accurate can they be shot?


New member
I've never shot a rifle equipped with a Slidefire. But, I have had some brief trigger time behind a full auto (legal, w/auto sear) AR.

Any rifle, and most pistols save for the Kriss, are simply uncontrollable due to muzzle rise on full auto.

I think you would find the consensus of any operator is that 2 or 3 round burst fire may be useful, but full auto is usually only used to get the bad guys to keep their heads down.

Great way to expend a lot of money in a short period of time with no accuracy.


New member
I've never shot a rifle equipped with a Slidefire. But, I have had some brief trigger time behind a full auto (legal, w/auto sear) AR.

Any rifle, and most pistols save for the Kriss, are simply uncontrollable due to muzzle rise on full auto.
Many FA rifles are more controllable than that statement portends.
Spend more time with full auto.

On a few occasions, I had time to "dispose of" old ammunition while I was serving my time.
Using an M16A3 borrowed from a sister unit, I qualified for 'Expert Marksman' status ... with the rifle set to full auto, and a test procedure (and target) that's designed for semi-auto-only slow fire.

My score with full auto was actually better than what I was ever able to achieve with any 3-round burst variant of the M16/M4.

Many platforms, particularly small caliber platforms (5.56x45mm, 5.7x28mm, and 4.6x30mm in particular), are quite tame once you get to know them.


New member
I have only shot one full auto gun, it was 5.56, I don'y remember the particular brand/model, I was only 18 at the time. but I remember burst fire wasn't bad at all. you can control the slide fire when you get comfortable enough with making short bursts. when you first use it, your concentrating on making the stock bump-fire so much that your aim takes a toll, but you'll get used to it, it may be a good argument for a good muzzle brake though


New member
whats your clubs or range view on it?

Were do you shoot it? Is it BLM, PUBLIC OR MEMBERS RANGE? Im a Range Master at a large outdoor members range that has limited days open to the public on a limited portion of the range and Ive been looking around for what other ranges view as acceptable shooting areas.

We do allow full auto and slidefire for members in the separated members only area but not in the area we open for public use. So what do your local range allow? Thanks